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Energy Efficiency Trends in Canada, 1990 to 2004

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Chapter 6. Transportation Sector

Definition: The transportation sector includes activities related to the transport of passengers and freight by road, rail, marine and air. It also includes off-road vehicles, such as snowmobiles and lawn mowers.

Non-commercial airline aviation and off-road energy use are included in total transportation figures. However, they are not related to the movement of either freight or passengers and, as such, are not included in the factorization analysis.


Changes to Truck Stock in the Transportation End-Use Model (TEUM)

This year, the OEE revised its historical truck stock prior to 1994. First, to bring TEUM's light truck stock estimates for 1990 more in line with other data sources (Canadian Vehicles in Operation Census and Statistics Canada), they were revised downwards by about a million vehicles. Second, the backcast for medium- and heavy-duty truck stocks prior to 1994 was adjusted. Previously, we used Statistics Canada's Road Motor Vehicles: Registrations, which reports a single aggregate truck stock, comprised mostly of light trucks. This year, we drew on the U.S. Department of Energy's Transportation Energy Data Book, Edition 24, which reports truck stock data broken out by truck type, permitting us to develop more appropriate growth rates for medium and heavy truck stocks during the 1976 to 1993 period.

These truck stock revisions resulted in changes to the estimates of passenger- and tonne-kilometres by mode prior to 1994. As a result, compared with previous reports, light truck energy use in both the passenger and freight sub-sectors is lower, whereas car energy use in passenger as well as medium and heavy truck energy use in freight is higher in the pre-1994 period.


Between 1990 and 2004, the amount of energy used by the transportation sector increased by 31 percent, from 1877.9 PJ to 2465.1 PJ. As a result, energy-related GHGs rose by 31 percent, from 135.0 Mt to 176.4 Mt.

As shown in Figure 6.1, passenger transportation was the transportation sub-sector that consumed the most energy in 2004 with 54 percent, while freight transportation accounted for 42 percent and off-road vehicles accounted for 4 percent. In terms of growth (Figure 6.2), however, freight transportation was the fastest growing sub-sector, accounting for 60 percent of the change in energy use for total transportation. Of interest, light and heavy trucks, with a combined increase of 524.8 PJ, represented 89 percent of net transportation energy growth.

Figure 6.1 Distribution of Transportation Energy Use by
Sub-Sector, 2004 (percent)
Figure 6.2 Changes in Transportation Energy Use by
Sub-Sector, 1990-2004 (percent)

Distribution and Changes of Transportation Energy Use by Sub-Sector, 2004 (percent).

Energy efficiency in the transportation sector improved by 18 percent from 1990 to 2004.
Energy efficiency savings in 2004 alone were:
  • 314.7 PJ of energy
  • $6.6 billion in energy costs
  • 22.6 Mt of energy-related GHGs

Passenger transportation

The amount of energy used for passenger travel increased by 17 percent, rising from 1139.5 PJ in 1990 to 1334.3 PJ in 2004. Likewise, energy-related GHG emissions increased by 16 percent, from 81.2 Mt to 94.3 Mt.¹ Without energy efficiency improvements, energy use would have increased by 31 percent between 1990 and 2004, instead of the observed 17 percent (Figure 6.3).

Figure 6.3 Energy Use, With and Without Energy Efficiency Improvements, 1990– 2004 (index 1990 = 1.0)

Energy Use, With and Without Energy Efficiency Improvements, 1990–	2004 (index 1990 = 1.0).

This year, the historical series for light truck stock prior to 1994 was revised downwards, which led to changes in how passenger-kilometres were allocated among modes (see the text box at the beginning of this chapter). As a result, cars now account for a greater share of total passenger-kilometres in the 1990 reference year. This will impact on the factorization analysis for the 1990 to 2004 period presented in Figure 6.4. Compared to previous reports, the structure effect is larger because the magnitude of the shift to light trucks relative to 1990 is more pronounced. In addition, to offset this larger structure effect, the energy efficiency effect will also increase.

As Figure 6.4 indicates, the following influenced the change in energy use and related GHGs between 1990 and 2004:

  • a 31 percent increase in passenger-kilometres travelled (activity) resulted in a 321.3 PJ increase in energy use and a corresponding 22.7 Mt increase in GHG emissions. Light truck and air transportation led growth in passengerkilometres, with respective increases of 127 percent and 70 percent during the analysis period;

  • changes to the mix of transportation modes, or the relative shares of passenger-kilometres held by air, rail and road, are used to measure changes in structure. The popularity of minivans and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) has considerably increased the activity share of light trucks compared to other modes, resulting in a 42.0 PJ increase in energy consumption and a 3.0 Mt increase in related GHG emissions; and

  • improvements in the overall energy efficiency of passenger transportation saved 160.7 PJ of energy and 11.4 Mt of related GHGs. Despite the increasing popularity of larger and heavier light-duty vehicles with greater horsepower, the light-duty vehicle segment (e.g. cars, light trucks and motorcycles) of passenger transportation helped save 126.9 PJ, while air transportation avoided 28.6 PJ.

Figure 6.4 Impact of Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency on the Change in Energy Use, 1990– 2004 (petajoules)

Impact of Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency on the Change in Energy Use, 1990–	2004 (petajoules).

* "Other" refers to non-commercial airline aviation, which is included in the "Total Change in Energy Use" but is excluded from the factorization analysis.

Figure 6.5 shows the evolution of passenger transportation activity, structure and energy efficiency on changes in energy use over the 1990– 2004 period. Overall, although significant energy efficiency improvement in the passenger transportation sub-sector has been achieved since 1990, it has only partially offset increases in energy use due to higher demand for travel (activity) and the choice of more energy intensive transportation modes such as light trucks (structure).

Figure 6.5 Changes in Energy Use Due to Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency, 1990– 2004 (petajoules)

Changes in Energy Use Due to Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency, 1990–	2004 (petajoules).

As Figure 6.6 shows, GHG emissions from passenger transportation were 16 percent, or 13.1 Mt, higher in 2004 than in 1990. This increase was due to higher energy consumption, as the GHG intensity of the energy used decreased only slightly over the period.

Figure 6.6 Impact of Energy Use and GHG Intensity on the Change in GHG Emissions, 1990– 2004 (megatonnes of CO2 equivalent)

Impact of Energy Use and GHG Intensity on the Change in GHG Emissions, 1990–	2004 (megatonnes of CO2 equivalent).

¹ This includes GHG emissions related to electricity use. Electricity accounts for only 0.3 percent of total passenger transportation energy use and is used, for the most part, for urban transit.

Freight Transportation

The freight sector in Canada includes four modes: road (trucks), rail, marine and air. In 2004, road transportation accounted for 81 percent of the energy used by freight transportation, followed by marine at 11 percent, rail at 7 percent and air at 1 percent. Of the total GHG emissions from freight transportation, road produced 79 percent; marine, 11 percent; rail, 8 percent; and air, 1 percent.

Between 1990 and 2004, energy use by freight transportation increased by 51 percent, from 685.1 PJ to 1035.2 PJ. As a result, energy-related GHGs produced by freight transportation were 51 percent higher, from 50.1 Mt in 1990 to 75.4 Mt in 2004. Without energy efficiency improvements, energy use would have increased by 74 percent between 1990 and 2004, instead of the observed 51 percent (Figure 6.7).

Figure 6.7 Energy Use, With and Without Energy Efficiency Improvements, 1990– 2004 (index 1990 = 1.0)

Energy Use, With and Without Energy Efficiency Improvements, 1990–	2004 (index 1990 = 1.0).

This year, the composition of the freight truck stock prior to 1994 was revisited; in particular, the size of the light truck fleet was reduced, while the number of medium and heavy trucks was increased (see the text box at the beginning of this chapter). A smaller light truck stock prior to 1994 means light trucks will have a smaller share of tonne-kilometres in the 1990 reference year. This will impact on the factorization results for the 1990 to 2004 period presented in Figure 6.8. Compared to previous reports, the structure effect will be somewhat larger because light trucks are more energy intensive on a per tonne-kilometre basis than any other mode, so the shift towards all trucks (including light) since 1990 will appear more pronounced.

As Figure 6.8 indicates, the following influenced the change in energy use and related GHGs between 1990 and 2004:

  • a 51 percent increase in activity (the number of tonne-kilometres moved) was spurred by free trade and the deregulation of the trucking and rail industries. Increased activity resulted in a 348.6 PJ increase in energy use and a corresponding 25.4 Mt increase in GHG emissions;

  • changes in the structure of freight transportation (shifts in activity between modes) – specifically, an increase in the share of freight moved by heavy trucks relative to other modes – was due to growth in international trade and customer requirements for just-in-time delivery. Since trucks are more energy intensive per tonne-kilometre than other modes, the sub-sector used an additional 155.4 PJ of energy and emitted 11.3 Mt more GHGs; and

  • improvements in the energy efficiency of freight transportation led to savings of 154.0 PJ of energy and 11.2 Mt of GHGs. Heavy trucks were a major contributor, saving about 75.1 PJ.

Figure 6.8 Impact of Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency on the Change in Energy Use, 1990– 2004 (petajoules)

Impact of Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency on the Change in Energy Use, 1990–	2004 (petajoules).

Figure 6.9 shows the evolution of freight transportation activity, structure and energy efficiency on changes in energy use over the 1990 to 2004 period. Increases in energy use due to robust growth in freight activity and the increased use of heavy trucks to move goods (structure) were only partially offset by significant improvements in energy efficiency.

Figure 6.9 Changes in Energy Use Due to Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency, 1990– 2004 (petajoules)

Changes in Energy Use Due to Activity, Structure and Energy Efficiency, 1990–	2004 (petajoules).

Increased GHG emissions in freight transportation were due to higher energy consumption, since the GHG intensity of the energy used decreased only slightly over the period. As Figure 6.10 shows, GHG emissions from freight transportation were 51 percent, or 25.3 Mt, higher in 2004 than in 1990.

Figure 6.10 Impact of Energy Use and GHG Intensity on the Change in GHG Emissions, 1990– 2004 (megatonnes of CO2 equivalent)

Impact of Energy Use and GHG Intensity on the Change in GHG Emissions, 1990–	2004 (megatonnes of CO2 equivalent).

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