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Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings

Energy retrofits and practices in your existing buildings can save 20 percent on average.

As part of the ecoENERGY Efficiency Initiative, Natural Resources Canada's Office of Energy Efficiency supports building owners in the commercial and institutional sectors. Some of our activities include:

Our first steps pages offer an overview of energy efficiency concepts in buildings. When you are ready to take the next step, please contact us.


Gigajoule and Energy Intensity Calculator
Energy Management Plans
Others Tools and Calculators

What's New

October 15, 2007
Second call for proposals for ecoENERGY Retrofit incentive

October 15, 2007
Fall edition of Heads Up Energy Efficiency

January 21, 2007
Minister Lunn unveils ecoENERGY Efficiency InitiativeThis link opens a new window..

Next: ecoENERGY Retrofit Incentive for Buildings

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