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Energy Use Data Handbook, 1990 and 1997 to 2003

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Chapter 5 – Transportation Sector

The Data Situation

The aggregate data on transportation energy use by energy source are from Statistics Canada's Report on Energy Supply-Demand in Canada (RESD) (Cat. No. 57-003-XIB). Other sources with more specific data enable the Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) to allocate energy use by transportation mode. Using the stock, fuel efficiencies and average distance travelled, the Transportation End-Use Model (TEUM) calculates preliminary estimates for road energy use by vehicle type. Then using origin and destination shipment data from Statistics Canada's Trucking in Canada (Cat. No. 53-222-XIE),TEUM takes into account the fact that heavy truck vehicles do not necessarily travel or purchase fuel in the province where they are registered. Final road energy use estimates are calibrated to match RESD road information.

Aggregate non-road energy use data (rail, air and marine) are obtained directly from RESD. Rail and air are further disaggregated into passenger and freight transportation using Statistics Canada's Rail in Canada (Cat. No. 52-216-XIE) and Canadian Civil Aviation (Cat. No. 51-206-XIB). The Climate Change Air Sub-Group Report by Sypher: Mueller International Inc., July 1999, is also used in the allocation of air energy use to passenger and freight modes.

Data for vehicle stock in TEUM are obtained from R.L. Polk Canada Inc., R.L. Polk & Co. and DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc. in the form of two databases: Canadian Vehicles in Operation Census (CVIOC) and Trucking Industry Profile (TIP). Statistics Canada's Road Motor Vehicles, Registrations (Cat. No. 53-219-XIB) and Canadian Vehicle Survey (CVS) (Cat. No. 53-223-XIE) are used for years in which CVIOC and/or TIP were not available. Differences from last year's database in the allocation of energy use between passenger and freight transportation are due to the following: revisions to the TIP data sets for 2001 and 2002; and revisions to the share of light trucks used for personal purposes in older model years. The bus information is further disaggregated by bus type using Statistics Canada's Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Statistics (PBS) (Cat.No.53-215-XIB).

Laboratory-tested fuel efficiencies for new cars and light trucks are calculated using Transport Canada's Vehicle Fuel Economy Information System. However, no national data sources are available for on-road efficiencies.The OEE, through the National Energy Use Database, has been working with Transport Canada and Statistics Canada to address this issue. The collection of on-road fuel consumption data through CVS for all vehicle types except buses started on January 1, 2004. Survey results are expected in the 2005-2006 fiscal year. On-road fuel efficiency for buses is based on PBS.

The National Private Vehicle Use Survey – October 1994 to September 1996 (conducted by Statistics Canada on behalf of Natural Resources Canada) and CVS provided average distances travelled for cars and trucks. To be more consistent with the survey data collected since 1995, heavy truck average distance travelled was revised prior to 1994. Motorcycle estimates are calculated based on information from the United States' Department of Transportation.

Occupancy rates are essential for calculating the passenger-kilometres travelled for cars and light trucks. Previously, they were based on information from Getting There: The Interim Report of the Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation, April 1991. Since 1999, occupancy rates have been obtained from CVS data. This year – using observed trends in CVS, seatbelt survey data gathered by Transport Canada, total population and vehicle stock – new historical series were built for cars and light trucks. Motorcycle occupancy rates are based on U.S. Department of Transportation data. Finally, bus occupancy rates are taken from CVS and PBS. Non-road passenger-kilometres are taken from Rail in Canada and Canadian Civil Aviation for rail and air, respectively.

Light truck and medium truck tonne-kilometres are calculated using a TEUM assumption on load factor. Heavy truck tonne-kilometres are from Trucking in Canada, and non-road tonne-kilometres are taken from Canadian Civil Aviation, Rail in Canada and Transport Canada's Surface and Marine Statistics and Forecasts Division for air, rail and marine, respectively.

Transportation energy prices are weighted averages of regional prices from Statistics Canada's Energy Statistics Handbook (Cat. No. 57-601-XIE). Other transportation indicators are from Informetrica Limited's TI Model and National Reference Forecast.

View handbook tables.

Due to rounding, the numbers in the tables may not add up or calculate to their reported totals or growth rates.

  • Transportation Secondary Energy Use by Energy Source and Transportation Mode
  • Transportation GHG Emissions by Energy Source and Transportation Mode
  • Transportation Energy Prices and Background Indicators

Passenger Transportation Segment

  • Passenger Transportation Secondary Energy Use by Energy Source and Transportation Mode
  • Passenger Transportation GHG Emissions by Energy Source and Transportation Mode
  • Passenger Road Transportation Secondary Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Energy Source
  • Passenger Transportation Explanatory Variables

Freight Transportation Segment

  • Freight Transportation Secondary Energy Use by Energy Source and Transportation Mode
  • Freight Transportation GHG Emissions by Energy Source and Transportation Mode
  • Freight Road Transportation Secondary Energy Use and GHG Emissions by Energy Source
  • Freight Transportation Explanatory Variables
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