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Enhancement of kimberlite exploration methods in the Lake Timiskaming region, Ontario
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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Diamonds
Enhancement of kimberlite exploration methods in the Lake Timiskaming region, Ontario

The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), in collaboration with the Ontario Geological Survey, is conducting a three-year (2000-2003) project in the Lake Timiskaming region to investigate geochemical exploration methods for kimberlites in glaciated terrain and to conduct a regional indicator mineral survey (till) in the area south of the known Timiskaming kimberlites (New Liskeard to Marten River). This research will potentially identify new targets for diamond exploration. New or improved exploration methods for diamonds, developed as part of this research, will increase the effectiveness of private sector exploration for diamonds in the region, as well other parts of Canada.

The GSC has taken the lead in conducting case studies and regional surveys around known kimberlites in the glaciated terrain of Canada (Lac de Gras, Fort a La Corne, Kirkland Lake). Much of the GSC research has focused on costly indicator mineral methods because they are most often used by diamond exploration companies around the world. GSC studies and consultations with exploration companies and the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS), have identified the need for new research into: 1) less expensive kimberlite exploration methods; and, 2) surface methods that can be used in more challenging thick-drift areas. The kimberlites in the Lake Timiskaming and Kirkland Lake kimberlite fields provide the ideal setting to conduct these studies because they are well documented and easily accessible. New or improved exploration methods to be developed as part of this research will increase the effectiveness of companies and prospectors exploring for diamonds in the Lake Timiskaming-Kirkland Lake region, in other parts of Ontario and in glaciated Shield terrain across northern Canada. Commercial analytical labs will benefit from research into appropriate till size fractions and kimberlite pathfinder elements in soil, till, water and vegetation (see location map).

Location map
Location Map

The Ontario Geological Survey has identified the area west and southwest of the Lake Timiskaming kimberlite field as potentially hosting additional kimberlites and conducted a regional stream sediment indicator mineral survey over this area in 2000. Detailed mineralogical studies of known kimberlites in the Lake Timiskaming area will provide baseline information on the abundance and type of indicator minerals that may be expected in glacial and stream sediments in this new area. This information combined with the GSC's regional till sampling for indicator minerals, ice flow indicator mapping and analysis of kimberlite boulders in eskers, will help in the evaluation of anomalies found by the OGS stream sediment survey and in the identification of exploration targets. The regional indicator mineral sampling component is targeted on the under-explored area west of Lake Timiskaming. This area is close to the mature mining communities of Temagami, Cobalt and Kirkland Lake, and increased exploration expenditures and potential new kimberlite discoveries will significantly benefit these communities, both during the project and after.

2005-11-07Important notices