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Natural Resources Canada
Northern Resources Development
Slave Province Compilation
.Compilation and Synthesis
.Surficial Geology
.Bedrock Geology
.Mineral Deposits
.Digital Elevation Models
.Landsat Imagery
.The Slave Craton: Geological and Metallogenic Evolution
.GeoPub (GSC Publications)
.Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
.Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated

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ÿNorthern resources development
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Northern resources development > Slave Province Compilation
Slave Province Minerals & Geoscience
Compilation and Synthesis

Project Leader: Dr. Jan Peter

In collaboration with federal and territorial government departments, native corporations, industry and academic partners, the Geological Survey of Canada has initiated the Slave Province Minerals and Geoscience Compilation and Synthesis project to provide an accessible and up-to-date compilation and synthesis of all publicly available geoscience data, including mineral deposits, for the Slave geologic province under the Northern Resources Development Program. The mineral potential of the Slave province is very high, and informed management will be instrumental to the economic development of Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.

Activities Include:

Compilation and Synthesis

The upper map at the right depicts the location of the Slave geologic province in Canada. The lower map depicts the generalized geology of the Slave geologic province. This map shows the priority of areas of research and also depicts the area of interest for nickel-copper-PGE deposits associated with mafic and ultramafic dykes as part of the Mineral Deposits activity.

Compilation and Synthesis

Activities within the project will will build on previous bedrock geological compilation efforts (e.g., Hoffman and Hall, 1993) by bringing in new datasets (e.g., bedrock geology maps, U-Pb ages, tracer isotopes, distribution of ancient crust) acquired over the last decade. This will involve the recompiling of 40 to 50 NTS 250,000 map sheets with a harmonized legend. It will deliver a comprehensive, multi-parameter, multi-layered GIS database that will be available digitally, as well as a dedicated scientific volume (EXTECH III) and synthesis and primary data papers. Outreach work will be conducted through linkages with the GSC project entitled "Geosciences Experience for Northern Communities" and the Nunavut Earth Science Outreach Network will transfer this information and its potential uses to the communities within the area so that they can make informed land use decisions.

All available geoscience information relevant to mineral exploration and development from government and industry assessment and private files is being compiled into a GIS database layer. Data and knowledge gap assessment will be undertaken to guide highly targeted new analyses (e.g., lithogeochemical compositions, U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf tracer isotopes) of existing archived samples. A salient goal will be the synthesis of existing knowledge and the refinement or formulation of metallogenic and tectonic models. Gaps that require field investigation will be used for decision-making regarding future work. All geoscience information will be disseminated via CD-ROM, paper maps, scientific publications, presentations at national and international geoscience meetings and the Internet. The products and information will assist in resource exploration, development, and land-use planning decisions.


Hoffman, P., and Hall, L., 1993, Geology, Slave craton and environs, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories: Ottawa, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 2559; Map, Scale: 1: 1,000,000 available on CDROM and paper map.

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