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About the R-2000 Standard


The R-2000 Standard


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About the R-2000 Standard

Read the current version of the R-2000 Standard in HTML or PDF.


The R-2000 Standard includes requirements related to energy efficiency, indoor air quality and the use of environmentally responsible products and materials. It does not, however, specify exactly how a house must be built.

Rather, the R-2000 Standard sets criteria for how an R-2000 home must perform. This leaves the designer and builder free to choose the most effective and economical way to build it.


The R-2000 Standard is supported by an extensive program of research, development and testing.

Natural Resources Canada’s team of technical experts – in consultation with industry technical experts – reviews the R-2000 Standard regularly. Before changes to the R-2000 Standard are adopted, thorough testing is carried out. Once the Standard is changed, home builders and other industry professionals receive training updates.


The R-2000 Standard sets out a series of house performance requirements that are in addition to those required by building codes. In general terms, the R-2000 Standard involves the following:

  • Builder’s licence: Only home builders who have completed R-2000 builder training and hold a current R-2000 builder licence can build homes that can be certified to the R-2000 Standard.
  • Energy budget: R-2000 homes must operate within a specific energy budget, based on the characteristics of the home and the climate conditions where it's built. Typically, R-2000 homes need 30 percent less energy to operate than conventional new homes. Common in
    R-2000 homes are additional insulation; double-glazed, low-emissivity, gas-filled windows with insulated spacers; and high-efficiency heating systems.
  • Whole-house ventilation: Every R-2000 home must have a whole-house ventilation system that supplies fresh outdoor air to all living areas in the home. This system must be designed and tested to meet the CSA International standard CAN/CSA-F326 M91 ("Residential Mechanical Ventilation Systems"). Installers must be trained by the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada [This link opens a new window], or equivalent. After renewing the latest building research and any new technologies on the market, a technical review committee initiates potential changes to the Standard within Natural Resources Canada.
  • Environmental pick list: Every R-2000 home builder must choose from a "pick list" of options for indoor air quality and environmental features. The indoor air-quality features can include items such as hardwood flooring, low-emission cabinetry, low-emission (low volatile organic compound [VOC]) paints, and non-solvent-based adhesives and finishes. Features to conserve materials include choices for insulation, siding, sheathing, wall studs and foundation drainage.
  • Cleaner heating: The heating systems in the home must not be susceptible to combustion spillage.
  • Water conservation: Every R-2000 home must be equipped with water-conserving toilets, faucets and shower heads.
  • Independent inspections: Every home submitted for R-2000 certification must undergo a series of independent inspections and tests to verify that the requirements of the R-2000 Standard have been met.

R-2000 is an official mark of Natural Resources Canada.