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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > GSC Information Circular
GSC Information Circular
November 2006
Open Files

5310 | 5327 | 5347 | 5383 | 5385 | 5386 | 5387 | 5388 | 5389


High-resolution seismic transects of the upper continental slope off southeastern Canada; D.J.W. Piper, R.A. Brunt, 77 p.

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $45.20 (Canada), $58.76 (outside Canada)



GIS-enabled subsurface time and depth structure maps, Cambrian to Cretaceous, Great Bear and Mackenzie plains, Northwest Territories (NTS 95-I, J, K, N, O, P, 96 A, B, C, southern half of 96 F, G, H); B.C. MacLean, 1 DVD containing geology data and base map data in both .e00 and .shp formats, as well as an 11-page report available in .pdf and .doc formats, with figures and maps in .pdf format, and a .pmf file for viewing the GIS data. Adobe® Reader® v. 7.0.5 and ESRI® ArcReader™ v. 9.1 are also included on this DVD.

Free Download: Download site

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec; C.S. Lord Northern Geoscience Centre, Yellowknife
Price: $7.00 (Canada), $9.10 (outside Canada)



Report on Cruise 2005-051, CCGS MATTHEW: Surveys in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland; J. Shaw, B. Ward, T. Bell, D. Brushett, A. Robertson, A. Atkinson, G. Standen, 59 p.

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $54.73 (Canada), $71.15 (outside Canada)



Depositional environment and provenance analysis of the Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks at the Peskowesk A-99 well, Scotian Basin G. Pe-Piper, D.J.W. Piper, K.M. Gould, J. Shannon, 171 p.

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $109.20 (Canada), $141.96 (outside Canada)



Geology, Bella Coola region (93D/01, /07, /08, /10, /15 and parts of 93D/02, 03, /06, /09, /11, /14, /16 and 92M/15 and /16), British Columbia J.W. Haggart, L.J. Diakow, J.B. Mahoney, G.J. Woodsworth, L.C. Struik, S.M. Gordee, M. Rusmore, 3 sheets (2 colour maps and 1 sheet of data tables), scale 1:100 000.

This open file supersedes Open File 4639, released in July 2004.

Also released as British Columbia Geological Survey Geoscience Map 2006-7.

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $45.00 (Canada), $58.50 (outside Canada)



Geology, Foresight Mountain (93E/03), British Columbia; J.B. Mahoney, R.L. Hooper, S.M. Gordee, J.W. Haggart, 1 colour map, scale 1:50 000.

Also released as Geoscience BC Map 2006-2.

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $15.00 (Canada), $19.50 (outside Canada)



Geology, Tesla Lake (93E/02), British Columbia; S.M. Gordee, J.B. Mahoney, R.L. Hooper, J.W. Haggart, 1 colour map, scale 1:50 000.

Also released as Geoscience BC Map 2006-1.

Contribution to the Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI).

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $15.00 (Canada), $19.50 (outside Canada)



Geology, Junker Lake and part of Knot Lakes (93C/04 and 92N/13), British Columbia; S. Israel, P. van der Heyden, J.W. Haggart, G.J. Woodsworth, 1 colour map, scale 1:50 000.

Contribution to the Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI).

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $15.00 (Canada), $19.50 (outside Canada)



Geology, Atnarko (93C/05), British Columbia; S. Israel, P. van der Heyden, 1 colour map, scale 1:50 000.

Contribution to the Targeted Geoscience Initiative (TGI).

Viewing: GSC Ottawa; GSC Calgary; GSC Pacific (Vancouver);
GSC Atlantic; GSC Quebec
Price: $15.00 (Canada), $19.50 (outside Canada)


2006-11-02Important notices