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Financial Assistance for Commercial and Institutional Organizations

  • Existing Buildings
    Apply for Energy Retrofit Assistance (ERA) retrofit incentives after joining EnerGuide for Existing Buildings, formerly the Energy Innovators Initiative.

  • New Buildings
    Energy-efficient designs of new facilities may qualify for the Commercial Building Incentive Program (CBIP).

  • Regional Incentives
    Some utilities and provincial governments offer incentives and rebates that can be combined with our funding.

  • Renewable EnergyThis link opens a new window.
    Visit the Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative (REDI) Web site for information on funding for solar heating or biomass systems.

  • New TechnologiesThis link opens a new window.
    Technology Early Action Measures (TEAM) is an interdepartmental initiative designed to promote investments in cutting-edge technologies.

  • Tax IncentivesThis link opens a new window.
    Visit the CANMET Web site for information on tax benefits for large-scale investments in energy efficiency.

  • Other Financial Information
    Understand payback, arrange financing and track your savings.

  • Buildings, Industry and Equipment
    Quick links to initiatives and incentives

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