Economic and fiscal update
Canada's federal government released "Advantage Canada: Building a Strong Economy for Canadians", a long-term, national economic plan designed to make Canada a true world economic leader. The plan, unveiled along with Minister Flaherty’s Economic and Fiscal Update, features a new national objective to eliminate Canada’s total government net debt in less than a generation and further reduce taxes for all Canadians.



Statistical handbook
CAPP's statistical handbook, a comprehensive compilation of the upstream petroleum industry's progress that summarizes broad statistical information, is now available to the public free of charge. The handbook features drilling, reserves, production, pricing and other current and historical data.   More...



Driving Towards a Cleaner Environment
Driving Towards a Cleaner Environment -- A Healthier Future is a report created by the Canadian Automobile Association and Pollution Probe. The report focuses on providing possible and tangible environmental solutions that integrate the motorist, the road system and the vehicle into a solution for cleaner air, fewer emissions and a healthier environment.   More...


Careers in energy
Whether you're looking for a new job or mapping out your future education or professional development needs, make Careers in energy your first stop.
Order Our Petroleum Challenge
Our Petroleum Challenge – Sustainability into the 21st Century is an excellent resource for people who want to learn more about Canada’s oil and natural gas resources.
Learning resources
Go to K-12 to find energy-related publications, interactive on-line activities and much more for teachers and students from K to 12. Learning resources are organized by product, by subject and by grade.
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for contact information, news releases and presentations.
Commodity prices
Crude Oil (nymex) -2.970 59.410
Natural Gas (nymex) -0.178 6.325
Heating Oil (nymex) -0.058 1.627
Propane (nymex) -0.020 0.890
Propane (acc) -0.033 0.882
Crude Oil (acc) -2.860 58.190
Natural Gas (acc) -0.121 6.178
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Coal is Canada’s single largest export to Japan.

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Site last updated: December 15, 2006

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