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"Energie-Cités: Promoting sustainable energy policy through local action"

TCA Award 2006 for the best communication campaigns!
The Award will reward the best communication campaigns launched by municipalities in the context of the European Display™ Campaign... Plus de détails...

Un Plan Climat à l échelle de mon territoire : Guide
Le Guide a été conçu par Energie-Cités pour le compte de l'ADEME et de ses partenaires : le MEDD, la MIES et l'Association des Maires de France. Plus de détails...

Energie-Cités INFO n°30

A dossier « Achieving 20 % savings in energy consumption” suggested by the Green Paper. You will also find: «Display™ - Towards Class A » Award 2006, 11th Energie-Cités Conference, BISE-ness Council, etc. More details...
Energie-Cités INFO
European Campaign Display

The European Campaign "Display" is aimed at encouraging municipalities to display the energy consumption... More details...
European Campaign Display
Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign 2005-2008

Energie-Cités, Associated Partner of A European Campaign to raise awareness and change. More details...
Energie-Cités INFO
The 2nd European BISE Forum

26th-28th October in Sofia (BG), with the support of the European Commission... More details...
European Campaign Display

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