National Capital Commission

Landholdings are a key element in the achievement of the NCC’s mandate and are essential to the long-term task of ensuring that the Capital region is physically coherent, effective in terms of its functioning and symbolically meaningful to Canadians. These lands are called the “National Interest Land Mass” (NILM). NILM lands that the federal government — mainly through the NCC and its predecessors — has gathered together over the past century include parks, monuments, public places, heritage buildings, shorelines and large areas of green space, such as Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt. They combine, as the NILM, to create a Capital that will inspire Canadians with pride and be passed on as a legacy for future generations. They are the lands that the NCC focuses on particularly when preparing its plans.  « To learn more... »

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Modified: Thursday October 12, 2006
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