National Capital Commission

Mandate: What the NCC Does

The mandate, as defined in the National Capital Act of 1958 — amended in 1988 — is to build a great Capital for Canadians, specifically:

  • " prepare plans for and assist in the development, conservation and improvement of the National Capital Region in order that the nature and character of the seat of the Government of Canada may be in accordance with its national significance...." (1958)
  • " organize, sponsor or promote such public activities and events in the National Capital Region as will enrich the cultural and social fabric of Canada...." (1988)

The NCC’s mandate includes: coordinating the policies and programs of the Government of Canada respecting the organization, sponsorship or promotion by federal departments of public activities and events related to the National Capital Region (NCR); and approving the design of buildings and land use, as well as any changes in use relating to federal lands in the NCR.

Mission: Why Build a Great Capital Region?

The mission of the NCC is to create pride and unity through Canada’s Capital Region.

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Modified: Monday December 5, 2005
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