National Capital Commission

Employer of ChoiceThe NCC recognizes the importance of investing in its employees and is implementing a number of “Employer of choice” strategies. If you are considering a career with the NCC, some of the things we offer are job variety, continuous learning, health and safety in the workplace, employee rewards, employee-defined values and opportunities for career advancement.

In 2006, the NCC was selected as one of the Top 100 Employers in Canada and as one of the Top 10 Employers in the National Capital Region. The NCC is very proud of this achievement and invites you to consult the text that appears in the book Canada's Top 100 Employers (pdf - 327 Kb).

Job Variety

The NCC operates along three main business lines, and we employ professionals from many fields, including:

  • accounting
  • architecture
  • communications
  • conservation
  • event planning
  • event programming
  • engineering
  • heritage interpretation
  • horticulture
  • human resources
  • information technology
  • land development
  • marketing
  • real estate management
  • urban planning
  • visitor services

This broad mix of people — and the vigorous collaboration that takes place between different sectors — makes for a stimulating and educational environment, an environment in which employees can explore different disciplines and grow.

Continuous Learning

We recognize the importance of training and development, and we promote it through courses, conferences, workshops and networking. We are investing more and more in our employees. Our current strategy is to provide an average of three percent of the salary envelope and/or 37.5 hours of training per employee per year.

Health and Safety

A number of policies help ensure a safe and healthy workplace:

  • harassment-free workplace policy
  • health and safety policy
  • policy for preventing violence in the workplace

The NCC strives to comply with the Canada Labour Code. In fact, even before amendments were enacted in 2000, the NCC had been working for nearly a year to make sure that it could comply with minimum delay. The changes to the code relate to workplace safety.

Employee Rewards

Employees are at the heart of the NCC's success, and so we have developed a recognition program to acknowledge positive results, as well as admirable attitudes and behaviours. The program includes the following categories of recognition.

  • Years of Service: Celebrated every 5 years, after 10 years of service.
  • Spontaneous Recognition: Can be sent at any time by employees who wish to thank or congratulate their colleagues, by sending a special e-card.
  • "Bravo!" Award: Presented throughout the year to recognize individuals and teams for their remarkable performance, attitude and achievements at a branch level.
  • "Hats Off!" Award: Awarded three times a year to recognize teams for extraordinary achievements at the organization level.
  • President’s Award: Presented once a year to recognize individuals and teams for their remarkable efforts and performance throughout the year. 
  • NCC Values Award: Presented once a year to10 individuals who are recognized for their admirable performance and attitude throughout the year, this award is determined by employee votes.


In 1999, every NCC employee had a chance to talk to management about the values that should drive the NCC, and more than 85 percent of employees participated. Those values determine how employees interact with each other, with stakeholders and partners and with the public. They also define the ethics of how we conduct business.

Career Advancement

Our “succession management plan” focuses on helping NCC employees develop so they can take on new opportunities and challenges and move vertically or horizontally within the organization.

Related Links

Modified: Monday July 31, 2006
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