National Capital Commission

The National Capital Act names the NCC as responsible for approving uses, land transactions and designs on its own and all other federal lands in the Capital region. We use review and approval processes to achieve a high quality of planning and design, as well as the protection of the natural environment and built heritage. The quality of life in Canada’s Capital owes much to the care and attention represented by these processes over almost fifty years.

Once approval has been granted for use of NCC lands, an easement and/or a licence of occupation may be required. As a major landowner in the Capital, the NCC also provides permits for holding events and activities on or obtaining access to its properties.

The NCC allows these uses, activities and events to take place if the following requirements are met

  • public interest is protected
  • the site is protected
  • relevant legislation is followed
  • both the use and the project itself are compatible with the significance, planned vocation and natural qualities of the site

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Modified: Tuesday March 21, 2006
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