National Capital Commission

This downloadable pre-visit kit is the perfect tool to excite your students about their upcoming visit to Canada’s Capital Region. Do one or all four of the self-contained activities in your classroom. Each activity is designed to prepare your students for what they’re going to see and do in Canada’s Capital.

Download the pre-visit kit


  • Social Studies
  • Media Studies
  • History
  • Geography
  • International Relations
  • Democracy

Preparation time

Minimal preparation time


  • Activity One: 75 minutes
  • Activity Two: 30 to 75 minutes
  • Activity Three: 75 minutes
  • Activity Four: 75 minutes

How to Use This Pre-Visit Kit

Download the entire pre-visit kit. There are four in-class activities, each containing a teacher section with instructions, and activity sheets for the students. Print off, photocopy and distribute activity sheets as required. Brochures about Canada’s Capital Region and web access are suggested for your class to use as reference.

Modified: Wednesday October 4, 2006
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