




Baseline monitoring in Vale of Pickering

BGS leads a consortium to conduct environmental baseline monitoring for a potential shale gas site in the Vale of Pickering, North Yorkshire.
Read more about monitoring in Yorkshire

Nationally important, unique and of value to the UK

We are a world-leading geological survey that focuses on public-good science and research to understand earth and environmental processes.
Read more about why #BGSmatters

3D geological models with Minecraft

Following on from the scale model of Great Britain, BGS has taken another step into the world of Minecraft by creating three-dimensional representations of geology at several locations across the country.

Read more about 3D geological models with Minecraft

Non-coal mining plans

A range of mine plans from a variety of sources including the Health and Safety Executive mine abandonment plans, published mine plans and plans of mine workings.

Search the non-coal mining plans database and view scans where available

Ramsgate Earthquake

A magnitude 4.2 earthquake occurred at 2.52am (BST) on Friday 22nd May 2015 near Ramsgate in Kent.

Further information.

Mobile apps

Various mobile friendly versions of apps on the BGS website

BGS Geological Walk map

A walk through geological time at BGS Keyworth, now available to browse online


App for the geological map of Britain iPhone App | Android App ... and iGeology3D!


App for soil properties map of Britain | learn about the soil beneath your feet. iPhone App