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Meeting Announcements

The Virtual Egg Carton
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Publications and Geology

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Current Publications

CWI -- The County
Well Index

Index to MGS mapping

LCMR supported groundwater studies

Mgs/USgs Statemap
program (PDF)

Minnesota Geology

Released Documents

Topographic maps

Twin Cities Aggregate Resources

  MGS logo

Picture of MGS building front


bedrock geology map iron range

Bedrock Geology (M-163) and Surficial Geology (M-164) maps of the Mesabi Iron Range Miscellaneous Map Series, 2005.

Minnesota Geological Survey

The Minnesota Geological Survey is a unit of the Newton Horace Winchell School of Earth Sciences in the University of Minnesota. The Survey is the University outreach center for the science and technology of earth resources in Minnesota. The Survey conducts basic and applied earth science research, conveys that information to the public through publications and service activities, and promotes earth science education. Minnesota is its exclusive focus.


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till stratigraphy, Mn R. valley
Glacial sediments Minnesota River valley
shaded relief image of minnesota

click here to get larger image

Shaded-relief image of Minnesota and
surrounding landscape, 90 meter grid

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory



Providing for an improved understanding of Precambrian geology and continental evolution of the cratonic interior of the north-central United States.

In preparation for the EarthScope Initiative.

*Northern Interior Continental Evolution

hillshade map magnetic anomaly

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URL:, last updated 02/01/06
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.