Canadian Association of Palynologists

The Canadian Association of Palynologists was founded in 1978 and, at a recent count (September 30 2003), consists of 39 members in good standing. The Association is run by a small executive. CAP members include palynologists from Universities, Industry and Government Agencies. CAP membership is drawn from the worldwide palynological community. The Association focusses on palynology from all geologic eras, spanning the Palaeozoic to the Quaternary. Palynologists from all branches of the discipline, from stratigraphic palynology, to palaeoecology, to melissopalynology, participate in the Association. We welcome new members.

CAP communicates primarily through a newsletter that is produced twice a year (May and December). This WWW page is designed as a supplement and extension of the CAP Newsletter. The CAP WWW page is intended as an information resource for CAP members and anyone else interested in Canadian palynology.


The History of the Canadian Association of Palynologists
How it all began and notable achievements during the last three decades.
The CAP Library
Book reviews - now features twenty-five reviews
A list of recent publications, including monographs, papers and book chapters dealing with palynology
Details of new and recently-published books dealing with palynology
A list of theses related to Canadian palynology
A link to Palaeontologia Electronica, a CAP-sponsored paleontology journal
and more!
Highlights from Recent CAP Newsletters
Now includes thirty-five articles, including reports about new research, fieldwork, conference reports, analytical methods, and essays
Lab Scenes: Palynology at University Departments and Government Agencies
Find out who's doing what and where
Directory of Palynologists
Palynologists from Canada and around the world
Palynological Personalities
An in-depth look at some of the people who have influenced the discipline. Now includes twenty articles.
Internet Resources
Discussion lists, Web sites, and more
Upcoming Conferences
Plan your trips well ahead of time!
Equipment and Laboratory Supplies
Information on that hard-to-find item you need for the lab
CAP's Organization and Administration
CAP's By-laws
CAP's Administrative Year
CAP's Executive
Membership Form
and lots of other stuff!

CAP Web page is compiled and maintained by: Alwynne B. Beaudoin
CAP Web page launched March 8 1995
This component last updated: May 17 2006.

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