Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaGeological Survey of CanadaGeological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada
Outreach: Geoscience for the next generation

The Geological Survey of Canada is committed to increasing Canadians' awareness of the earth sciences. Since the 1920s it has been a respected training ground for the Canadian geoscience community through the summer employment of students to work as field and laboratory assistants for GSC scientists.

The GSC has traditionally produced information materials aimed at stimulating the interest of young people in the earth sciences. Current communications efforts continue to have a strong component aimed at young audiences. Individually, GSC scientists give a lot of their time to work directly with young people, whether it be as a speaker at a school or a judge at a science fair.

How to connect with GSC outreach activities:

For further information, please contact Claudette Pellikan (Earth Sciences Sector Communications Office).
