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Geoscape Canada
A map of Canada's earth materials
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ÿGeoscape Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscape Canada > Canada
Geoscape Canada
A map of Canada's earth materials
Earth Materials - Rock

Rock is the dominant surface material in mountains, on the Canadian Shield, along escarpments (e.g. the Niagara Escarpment),  and along some shorelines. In many parts of Canada, rock is buried beneath thick modern or Ice Age sediments. Areas mapped as
rock include sites where rock is covered by thin, locally derived modern sediment or thin, patchy Ice Age sediment.

Carbonate rock

Carbonate rock includes limestone, dolostone, marble, and calcareous shale. It can form rugged mountains and steep escarpments. Rain and groundwater slowly dissolve carbonate rock, forming caves and surface depressions. Waters in carbonate terranes are 'hard' due to high concentrations of dissolved bicarbonate. Carbonate rock contains important oil, gas, and metal (zinc, lead, silver) resources. Limestone is used in making cement.

Figure 15
Figure 15. Shell-rich limestone, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia (A. Sabina).

Figure 16
Figure 16. Layered limestone, Sulphur Mountain, Banff, Alberta (R.J.W. Turner).

Clastic sedimentary rock

Clastic sedimentary rock was deposited as loose sediment, similar to modern sediment (e.g. sand, mud, and gravel), and later transformed into solid rock. It includes sandstone, mudstone, shale, and conglomerate. Mudstone and shale are easily eroded and commonly underlie valleys. Sandstone is more resistant and can form ridges and cliffs. Clastic sedimentary rock is commonly porous and can contain abundant oil and gas in western Canada, the Mackenzie River delta, and offshore Atlantic Canada. It also hosts important tar sand, heavy oil, coal, uranium, and groundwater resources.

Figure 17
Figure 17. Microscopic view of sandstone, Ontario (R.J.W. Turner).

Figure 18
Figure 18. Layered clastic sedimentary rock, Blomidon, Nova Scotia (M. Gibling).

Metamorphosed clastic sedimentary rock

Clastic sedimentary rock transforms, or 'metamorphoses', into quartzite, slate, and schist when subjected to high temperature and pressure deep within the Earth. Metamorphism reduces rock pore space, thus these rocks are rarely important hydrocarbon reservoirs or groundwater aquifers; however, they do host important metal and uranium deposits. Metamorphosed clastic sedimentary rock is resistant to erosion; it is an important element of mountain ranges in western Canada and southern Quebec.

Figure 19
Figure 19. Folded metamorphosed clastic sedimentary rock cut by quartz, Bathurst Inlet, Nunavut (J. King).

Figure 20
Figure 20. Folded slate at Blue Rocks, Nova Scotia (R. Fensome).

Volcanic rock

Volcanic rock is most common in the Cordillera and forms lava flows, intrusions (dykes, sills), volcanoes, and cinder cones. It ranges from fine-grained, dark coloured rock to paler, variably coloured, fragmental rock. Some volcanic rock contains abundant fractures and pores and can host important aquifers. Steep volcanic slopes are prone to landslides. Some volcanoes in British Columbia and southwestern Yukon Territory are dormant and will erupt in the future. Some volcanic intrusions (kimberlite pipes) in the Canadian Shield are important sources of diamonds.

Figure 21
Figure 21. Columnar-jointed lava flow, near Whistler, British Columbia (J.J. Clague).

Figure 22
Figure 22. Cinder cone, Mount Edziza, northern British Columbia (C.A. Evenchick).

Metamorphosed volcanic rock

Metamorphosed volcanic rock has lost its original surface volcanic form through erosion, burial, deformation, and metamorphism. It has less pore space and is more resistant to erosion than unmetamorphosed volcanic rock. It typically is dark in colour, occurs widely in the Appalachians and Cordillera, and is a major component of extensive 'greenstone belts' on the Canadian Shield. Metamorphosed volcanic rock contains important deposits of copper, zinc, lead, nickel, silver, and gold.

Figure 23
Figure 23. Deformed basalt, Flin Flon area, Manitoba (J.J. Ryan).

Figure 24
Figure 24. Kidd Creek copper mine in metamorphosed volcanic rock, Timmins, Ontario (© G. Oxby).

Granitic rock

Granitic rock is coarse grained and varies from light to dark in colour. It forms deep within the Earth by crystallization of molten rock. Granitic rock is extensive on the Canadian Shield, eastern Baffin Island, and in the British Columbia Coast Mountains. It is commonly massive, resistant to erosion, and forms uplands with thin unproductive soils.  Granitic rock hosts important copper, nickel, tin, gold, and building stone resources.

Figure 25
Figure 25. Close-up view of granitic rock, New Brunswick (J.B. Whalen).

Figure 26
Figure 26. Granite exposed in fiord wall, Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut (G.D. Jackson).

Gneissic rock

Gneissic rock is a coarse-grained, banded metamorphic rock that has formed at high temperature and pressure deep in the Earth's crust. It has physical properties similar to those of granitic rock, forms extensive areas of the Canadian Shield, and commonly is associated with thin poor soils, 'soft' water, and lakes vulnerable to acidification from acid precipitation. Gneiss plateaus cut by steep-walled valleys and fiords occur in the eastern Arctic Islands and western Newfoundland.

Figure 27
Figure 27. Close-up view of folded gneiss, Nunavut (J.J. Ryan).

Figure 28
Figure 28. Thin-banded gneiss, Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut (S. Tella).

2005-12-08Important notices