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Natural Resources Canada
Geoscape Canada
Okanagan Basin Waterscape
.From highlands
.Our water cycle
.Our lakes
.Our changing climate
.Protection nature's water needs
.We need healthy streams
.Wise water use indoors
.Wise water use outdoors
.Sharing our waters
.Credits & citation
.How to obtain the poster

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscape Canada > Okanagan Basin Waterscape
Okanagan Basin Waterscape
Wise water use indoors
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Wow! We use a lot of waterAn average Okanagan
Basin resident uses over 500 litres of water per day. This is equivalent to more than 125 'milk jugs' of water, a stack 40 metres high.
Wow! We use a lot of water
An average Okanagan Basin resident uses over 500 litres of water per day. This is equivalent to more than 125 'milk jugs' of water, a stack 40 metres high.
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[JPEG, 231.8 kb, 850 X 553, notice]

Why do we use so much water?

Experts agree that we don't value water enough. For example, we pay far less for water per month than cable TV. But which could you not live without? Many say that we should pay for the water we use based on how much we use. That requires water metering. Water meters measure the amount of water that a household, business, or farmer uses. With water meters, those who conserve are rewarded with lower costs. This way we all have an incentive to use less.

How we measure up!
How we measure up!

Where does the water go?

Clothes washer 20%
Dishwasher 1%
Faucet 18%
Shower 13%
Toilet 29%
Water softener 9%
Leaks 10%
Baths 2%
Where does the water go?
  • Clothes washer 20%
  • Dishwasher 1%
  • Faucet 18%
  • Shower 13%
  • Toilet 29%
  • Water softener 9%
  • Leaks 10%
  • Baths 2%

Did you know!

The Okanagan Basin's residential water use is two to three times higher during the summer, largely due to garden and lawn watering.

I conserve water because ...

  • It saves me money.
  • Expansions of water- and wastewater-treatment plants can be delayed.
  • It helps communities grow without exceeding their allowance of Okanagan Basin water.
  • It protects the water supplies of downstream communities.
  • Our water supply is limited.
  • To not conserve water is wasteful.
  • It protects life in our streams and lakes.

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2006-09-29Important notices