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Natural Resources Canada
Environmental Atlas of the Beaufort Coastlands
.Terrain features and processes
.Natural gas hydrates
.Coastal processes
.Coastlands surficial maps
.Impact of climate warming

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿDevelopment of the North
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Development of the North > Beaufort Coastlands
Environmental Atlas of the Beaufort Coastlands
Coastlands surficial maps

The coverage of these maps comprises the adjacent coastal waters and land that extends from the Alaska-Yukon border eastward to, and including, the northern part of Avvaq Peninsula on the western coast of Amundsen Gulf. This overall area includes the following: all islands lying in the Beaufort Sea from Herschel Island off the Yukon coast, to Baillie Islands north of Cape Bathurst; a broad swath of terrain paralleling the Beaufort Sea coast, and part of the coastlands lying along the northeastern part of Eskimo Lakes and adjacent Liverpool Bay; and a substantial portion of the northwestern sector of Mackenzie Delta.

In order to provide details of physical settings, surficial geology units and processes, as well as commentaries on natural resources and geological hazards, the region is subdivided into 27 mapping areas at a scale of 1:150 000. These maps are designated according to number and geographic location (shown on the index map for each area), and cover the coastlands in the southeastern Beaufort Sea.

Index map outlining 27 mapping areas along the coastlands.

Compiled by: B.R. Pelletier
Geological Survey of Canada

2006-06-20Important notices