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Cooperative geological mapping strategies across Canada
Projects by Name
.Ancient Pacific Margin
.Athabasca Uranium
.Beaufort-Mackenzie Area
.Central Baffin
.Central Foreland
.Churchill River
.Central Newfoundland
.Committee Bay
.Eastern Grenville Quebec-Labrador
.Grand Banks
.Halifax Harbour
.Lac Vernon
.Landslides Across Canada
.NGR Program
.Quebec-Newfoundland Transect
.MERA Project
.Maritimes Basin
.Oak Ridges Moraine
.Shield Margin Project
.Scotian Margin
.Southwestern Quebec
.Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
.Weyburn Project
.Western Superior
.Yellowknife Mining Camp

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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 Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Sustainable development of natural resources > Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge > COGMAPS
Co-operative Geological Mapping Strategies Across Canada : COGMAPS
Eastern Grenville Quebec-Labrador


(Courtesy of Léopold Nadeau)
(Courtesy of Léopold Nadeau)

One of the main objectives of the Eastern Grenville Transect Project is to bridge the geology of southern Labrador and eastern Quebec, across the orogen from the Grenville Front to the gulf of St. Lawrence. Partners in the project are the Ministère des Resources naturelles, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MRNFP), the Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador (GSNL), and the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). A number of exploration targets have been dicovered including anomalous Ni-Cu-PGE in gabbroic intrusions. (TGI project)

Davy Synforme
Davy Synforme
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Total Magnetic Field
Total Magnetic Field
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Tectonic framework and evolution of the eastern Grenville Province: a Labrador-Québec transect

Localisation of the transect region, including areas of detailed study, in relation to the major lithotectonic divisions of northeastern Laurentia (modified from Wardle et al., 1997).
Localisation of the transect region, including areas of detailed study, in relation to the major lithotectonic divisions of northeastern Laurentia (modified from Wardle et al., 1997).
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This project is part of the Targeted Geoscience Initiative - program 1.
Goal - To renew current knowledge and understanding of the geological framework of the eastern Grenville Province and to provide innovative, process-oriented, geological models to stimulate mineral exploration.

In partnership with the Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador (GSNL) and the Ministère des Ressources naturelles, Faune et Parcs du Québec (MRNFP), this project has contributed to accelerate the completion of the geological mapping (1:100 000 scale) of southern Labrador and led to a thorough re-evaluation of the geological framework of the Wakeham Group in eastern Québec.

The transect region hosts a variety of geological contexts and types of mineral occurrences and has significant economic potential for iron & titanium, precious and base metals, and Rare Earth Elements. However, apart from the world class iron & titanium mine at Lac Allard, no other economical mineral deposit has been discovered so far in spite of the continuous, although modest, exploration efforts by major and junior exploration companies over the last few decades. In addition, the southern fringe of the transect comprises the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve.

The project has contributed to sustaining the interest of the regional mining fund, triggered exploration ventures by junior mining companies, and has provided geological knowledge key for eco-tourism development. Overall, the project outputs are contributing to the support for regional economic development initiatives.

Key words

geological mapping (regional and detailed), U-Pb geochronology, igneous petrogenesis, structure, tectonics, GIS based analysis of integrated geoscience data sets (field and map data, aeromagnetism, gravity, Landsat TM / Radarsat spectral analysis, ...)


The transect region (longitudes 63° 30' to 60° 30') preserves nearly 700 million years of Proterozoic crustal growth along the southeast margin of the Laurentian paleo-continent. It straddles the Labradorian age (1.7-1.6 Ga) Mealy Mountains terrane, the Wakeham Group (1.5 Ga 1.8 Ga) and adjacent gneiss complexes of the Natashquan domain, and the intervening La Romaine and Mecatina terrains of unknown ages and parentage. The supracrustral rocks belonging or akin to the Wakeham Group constitute the most distinctive lithological element and a structural marker in these terrains. They were last tectonically reworked during the Grenville (1.25-0.9 Ga) Himalayan-type continental collision.

Geochronology : Wakeham Group Metavolcanics and Metasediments
Geochronology : Wakeham Group Metavolcanics and Metasediments
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Knowledge on the nature, extent and structural relationships of the crustal domains that comprise the eastern Grenville Province are essential to:

  • reconstruct the tectonic evolution of a significant portion of the Canadian Shield;
  • refine understanding of the geological setting of mineralized zones and host rocks;
  • assemble a comprehensive regional geoscience data base;
  • improve mapping and mineral exploration effectiveness in high grade terrains; and
  • guide various land users in the assessment of the mineral diversity and potential, in support to sustainable regional development.


All available geoscience data sets, techniques and expertise have been utilized in an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach in order to optimize the project's outputs and outcomes. The field component involved regional mapping (1:100 000 scale) of southern Labrador, and targeted detailed mapping (1:50 000 scale) of the Musquaro / La Romaine and Havre-Saint-Pierre / Natashquan regions of eastern Quebec. New mapping has served to anchor the compilation (1:250 000 scale) and reinterpretation of all available geoscience data for the transect region. Thematic studies, namely geochronology and geochemistry, contributed considerably to strengthen the geoscience database and interpretations.

Petrogenesis : Robe-Noire Suite
Petrogenesis : Robe-Noire Suite
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The project has:

  • contributed to sustaining and stimulating mineral exploration,
  • provided data on mineral resources for the development of local communities,
  • provided key geological expertise and knowledge for the development of eco-tourism in the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve, with direct economic impacts for the communities of Havre-Saint-Pierre, Baie-Johan-Beetz and Aguanish, and
  • advanced the regional geological knowledge and understanding, considerably strengthening the geoscience database.


This project involves two divisions of the GSC (Quebec and CGD), the Ministère des Ressources naturelles, Faune et Parcs du Québec (MRNFP), the Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey (GSNL), and the Institut national de recherche scientifique (INRS). The project has directly supported one Ph.D. and three M.Sc studies. Twelve students were involved during field work and more than ten researchers from the GSC, provincial government agencies and academia have contributed and benefited from the project over its life time.

More information

The project initial main results are captured in a number of GSC and GSNL Current Research papers. Scientific results are core to a number of papers to be publishes in a the Geological Society of America Memoir 197 'Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the Grenville orogen in North America' (in press), and in a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (submitted). Complete list of publications is available through the CGC-Quebec, in the publication section under L. Corriveau and L. Nadeau.

For more information about this project, contact Léopold Nadeau.

2006-09-01Important notices