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Cooperative geological mapping strategies across Canada
Projects by Name
.Ancient Pacific Margin
.Athabasca Uranium
.Beaufort-Mackenzie Area
.Central Baffin
.Central Foreland
.Churchill River
.Central Newfoundland
.Committee Bay
.Eastern Grenville Quebec-Labrador
.Grand Banks
.Halifax Harbour
.Lac Vernon
.Landslides Across Canada
.NGR Program
.Quebec-Newfoundland Transect
.MERA Project
.Maritimes Basin
.Oak Ridges Moraine
.Shield Margin Project
.Scotian Margin
.Southwestern Quebec
.Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
.Weyburn Project
.Western Superior
.Yellowknife Mining Camp

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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 Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Sustainable development of natural resources > Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge > COGMAPS
Co-operative Geological Mapping Strategies Across Canada : COGMAPS
Gaspé, Quebec


Interpretted seismic section across part of Gaspésie
Interpretted seismic section across part of Gaspésie
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(Courtesy of Denis Lavoie)
(Courtesy of Denis Lavoie)
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Renewed interest in the hydrocarbon potential of the margin of the Paleozoic core of North America, Laurentia, revealed a critical lack of modern data on its structure and evolution. Thus was inaugurated the Appalachian Forelands and St. Lawrence Platform Project by GSC and the Quebec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland geological surveys. The project, involving five transects across the ancient margin, has successfully produced a modern framework upon which ongoing and future resources projects will rely. (NATMAP project)


TGI-2 :Hydrocarbon Potential of the Appalachians
TGI-2 :Hydrocarbon Potential of the Appalachians
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In collaboration with the geological surveys and Energy sectors of the Maritimes provinces and Quebec, a new project funded through the second round of the Targeted Geoscience Initiative program of ESS was designed. This two-year project ($2M; 2003-2005) aims to enhance our understanding of the hydrocarbon potential of the Appalachian basins and is built on the recent findings and models derived from the eastern Canada Appalachian NATMAP project. The nature of the activities varies from one jurisdiction to the other and includes marine seismic, various geophysical surveys, detailed hydrocarbon systems studies (source rocks, thermal maturation, reservoir rocks, traps) and strategic field mapping. The resource industry is very supportive of the project by investing direct money in various acquisition programs (145 000$) and by providing access to recent geophysical data (less than 2 years old) worth over 2 M$. The various project outputs (maps, reports, database) will rapidly be publicly disseminated in order to maximize the impact for this part of Canada.

In Gaspésie, the project aims at upgrading our understanding of the subsurface architecture of eastern Quebec. This goal will be reached through major geophysical acquisition programs including high resolution aeromagnetic, gravimetric, reprocessing of seismic data and integration of satellite imagery. These data will be integrated in a database that will allow modelling of the subsurface architecture of eastern Quebec. These data will be released as integrated geoscience products useful for the resource industry active in this part of the province.

In New Brunswick, the project aims at 1) upgrading our understanding of the subsurface architecture of in the Silurian-Devonian and Carboniferous depositional belts and 2) upgrading and synthesizing our knowledge of potential hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoirs for the sedimentary basins of the province. These goals will be reached through major high-resolution aeromagnetic acquisition programs and detailed organic and mineral geochemistry studies and synthesis. These data will be integrated in various web-accessible databases that will serve as decision tools for the industry active in the area.

Organic matter maturation in northeastern New Brunswick. The data locate areas favourable for the preservation of oil and/or gas. These NATMAP/TGI-2 results led to the opening of this area to hydrocarbon exploration.
Organic matter maturation in northeastern New Brunswick. The data locate areas favourable for the preservation of oil and/or gas. These NATMAP/TGI-2 results led to the opening of this area to hydrocarbon exploration.
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In Newfoundland, the project aims at upgrading our understanding of the subsurface architecture, evolution and hydrocarbon systems of the Humber Arm Allochthon in western Newfoundland. This goal will be reached through compilation of geoscience data and strategic mapping and tectonostratigraphic studies of the sedimentary belt, new organic matter data (source rock potential and thermal maturation) These data will be released as integrated geoscience products useful for the resource industry active in this part of the province.

In Nova Scotia, the project aims at upgrading our understanding of the subsurface architecture and evolution of the central Nova Scotia Carboniferous basin. This goal will be reached through compilation of geoscience data and strategic mapping of the sedimentary belt, compilation of industry geophysical programs including high resolution aeromagnetic, gravimetric and reprocessing of seismic data. These data will be released as integrated geoscience products useful for the resource industry active in this part of the province.


  • Quebec
    Ministère des Ressources Naturelles de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec
    Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique - Centre Eau Terre Environnement
    Université Laval
    Hydro-Quebec Exploration Pétrole et Gaz
    JUNEX exploration
    Ressource et Energie Squatex
    Fugro Airborne surveys
    MIR Télédection
  • New Brunswick
    New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy
    Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique - Centre Eau Terre Environnement
    University of New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland
    Department of Mines and Energy of Newfoundland and Labrador
    Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • Nova Scotia
    Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources
    Nova Scotia Department of Energy Dalhousie University
    St-Francis Xavier University

2006-09-01Important notices