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Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in Till, Central Slave Province, Northwest Territories
.Kelyphite Reaction Rims

Geological Survey of Canada
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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Diamonds
Kimberlite Indicator Minerals in Till, Central Slave Province, Northwest Territories

Published Maps

Copies of these maps may be purchased from: Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E8.

A-series Surficial Geology Maps

These maps show the nature and distribution of surface materials. Extensive marginal notes summarize glacial and ice flow history, and indicate areas or conditions of interest to land use, infrastructure development, and mineral exploration.

Dredge, L. Ward, B., and Kerr, D.
1996: Quaternary geology, Aylmer Lake area, Northwest Territories (NTS 76C). Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1867A with marginal notes, scale 1: 125 000.

Dredge, L. Kerr, D and Ward, B.
1997: Quaternary geology, Point Lake area, Northwest Territories (NTS 86H). Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1890A with marginal notes, scale 1: 125 000.

Dredge, L.A., Kerr, D.E., and Ward, B.C.
1997: Quaternary geology, Kikerk Lake area, Northwest Territories (NTS 86P). Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1909A with marginal notes, scale 1:125 000.

Kerr, D., Ward, B. and Dredge, L.
1996: Quaternary geology, Winter Lake area, Northwest Territories (NTS 86A). Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1871A with marginal notes, scale 1: 125 000.

Kerr, D., Dredge, L. and Ward, B.
1997: Quaternary geology, Napaktulik Lake area, Northwest Territories (NTS 86I). Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1889A with marginal notes, scale 1: 125 000.

Kerr, D.E., Dredge, L. A., and Ward, B.C.
1997: Quaternary geology, Coppermine (east half), Northwest Territories (NTS 86O). Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1910A, with marginal notes, scale 1:125 000. (in press)

Ward, B, Dredge, L., and Kerr, D.
1997: Quaternary geology, Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories (NTS76D). Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1870A with marginal notes, scale 1: 125 000. (in press)

Ward, B.C., Dredge, L.A., and Kerr, D.E.
in prep: Quaternary geology, Contwoyto Lake (south half), Northwest Territories (NTS 76E). Geological Survey of Canada, Map xxxxA with marginal notes, scale 1: 125 000.

Open File Surficial Geology/Ice Flow Maps

Dredge, L., Ward, B., and Kerr, D.
1994: Surficial geology, Aylmer Lake area (76C), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2798. Map at 1: 250 000 scale.

Dredge, L., Kerr, D., and Ward, B.
1995: Surficial geology, Point Lake (86H), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3085, 1: 125 000 scale.

Dredge, L., Kerr, D., and Ward, B.
1996: Surficial geology, Kikerk Lake (86P), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3287, 1: 125 000 scale.

Kerr, D., Ward, B., and Dredge, L.
1994: Surficial Geology, Winter Lake area, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (86A). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2891. 1: 125 000 scale.

Kerr, D., Dredge, L., and Ward, B.
1995: Surficial geology, Napaktulik Lake (86I), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3032, 1: 125 000 scale.

Kerr, D., Dredge, L., and Ward, B.
1996: Surficial geology, Coppermine (860, east half), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3229, 1: 125 000 scale.

Kerr, D., Wolfe, S., and Dredge, L.
1997: Surficial geology, Contwoyto Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (76E north half), Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3459, 1: 125 000 scale.

Thomas, R. and Rampton, V.
1993: Surficial geology, Hepburn Island area (76M), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2662. Map at 1: 125 000 scale.

Ward, B. C.
1993: Surficial geology of the Lac de Gras Area, Northwest Territories (76D). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2680. Preliminary map at 1: 125 000 scale, based on airphoto interpretation.

Ward, B., Dredge, L., and Kerr, D.
1994: Ice flow indicators, Winter Lake-Lac de Gras-Aylmer Lake, Northwest Territories (NTS 76C,D,86A). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2808, 1:250 000 scale.

Ward, B.C., Dredge, L.A. and Kerr, D.E.
1994: Surficial geology, Lac de Gras, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (76D). Open File 2928, Supercedes 2680, 1: 125 000 scale.

Ward, B.C., Dredge, L.A. and Kerr, D.E.
1996: Surficial geology, Contwoyto Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (76E south half). Open File 3200. 1:125 000 scale.

General papers/Reports

Copies of these papers may be obtained from:

Dredge, L, Ward, B., and Kerr, D.
1994: Glacial geology and implications for drift prospecting in the Lac de Gras, Winter Lake, and Aylmer Lake map areas, central Slave Province. Geological Survey of Canada. In: Current Research 1994-1C, p. 33-38.

Dredge, L., Ward, B., and Kerr, D.
1994: Esker deposits in the central Slave Province. Geological Association of Canada, Program with abstracts, Waterloo, p. 18.

Dredge, L.A., Ward, B.C., and Kerr, D.E.
1996: Morphology and kelyphite preservation on glacially transported pyrope grains. In: LeCheminant, A.N. et al., Searching for diamonds in Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3228, p.197-203.

Kerr, D., Dredge, L., Ward, B. and Gebert, J.
1995: Quaternary geology and implications for drift prospecting in the Napaktulik Lake, Point Lake and Contwoyto Lake map areas (NTS 86I, 86H, 76E), northwest Slave Province, NWT. In: Current Research 1995-E, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 201-209.

Kerr, D., Wolfe, S.A., Ward, B. and Dredge, L.
1996: Surficial sediments, permafrost and geomorphic processes, Kikerk Lake and Coppermine map areas, west Kitikmeot, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories. In: Current Research 1996-C, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 197-204.

Kerr, D.E., Wolfe, S..A., and Dredge, L.A
1997: Surficial geology of the Contwoyto Lake map area (NTS 76E, north half), District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories. In: Current Research 1997-1C, Geological survey of Canada, p. 51-59.

Rencz, A.N., Bowie, C., and Ward, B.C.
1996: Application of thermal imagery from LANDSAT data to locate kimberlites, Lac de Gras area, District of Mackenzie, NWT. In: LeCheminant, A.N. et al., Searching for diamonds in Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3228, p.255-257.

Ward, B.C., Rencz, A., DiLabio, R., and Aylsworth, J.
1993: Quaternary studies in the Lac de Gras region, NWT, a region of diamond exploration. Canqua '93 abstracts, p.A-48.

Ward, B.C., Dredge, L.A., Kerr, D.E., and Kjarsgaard, I,M.
1996: Kimberlite indicator minerals in glacial deposits, Lac de Gras area, NWT. In: LeCheminant, A.N. et al., Searching for diamonds in Canada, Geological

Regional till geochemistry reports for environmental baseline studies and mineral exploration

Copies of these reports may be purchased from: Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E8

Dredge, L., Ward, B., and Kerr, D.
1994: Till geochemistry, Aylmer Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (NTS 76 C). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2867.

Dredge, L., Ward, B., and Kerr, D.
1995: Trace element geochemistry and gold grain results from till samples, Aylmer Lake area, Northwest Territories (NTS 76 C). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3120.

Dredge, L., Kerr, D. and Ward, B.
1996: Trace element geochemistry and gold grain results from till samples, Point Lake area, Northwest Territories (NTS 86H). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3317.

Dredge, L., Kerr, D., and Ward, B.
1996: Trace element geochemistry from till samples, Kikerk Lake (86P), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3360.

Kerr, D. E., Ward, B. C., and Dredge, L. A.
1994: Till geochemistry, Winter lake, District of Mackenzie (NTS 86A), Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2908.

Kerr, D., Dredge, L., and Ward, B.
1996: Trace element geochemistry and gold grain results from till samples, Winter Lake, Northwest Territories (NTS 86 A). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3206.

Kerr, D., Dredge, L., and Ward, B.
1996: Till geochemistry and gold grain results, Napuktulik Lake area, Nothwest Territories (86I). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3316.

Kerr, D., Dredge, L., and Ward, B.
1997: Trace element geochemistry from till samples, Coppermine (860, east half), Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3412.

Thomas, R., Rampton, V. and Dredge, L.
1993: Till geochemistry and ice flow indicators, Hepburn Island, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (NTS 76 M). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2668.

Ward, B., Dredge, L., and Kerr, D.
1994: Till geochemistry, Lac de Gras, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories (NTS 76 D). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2868.

Ward, B., Dredge, L., and Kerr, D.
1996: Trace element geochemistry and gold grain results from till samples, Lac de Gras area, Northwest Territories (NTS 76 D). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3205.

Ward, B., Dredge, L., and Kerr, D.
1997: Trace element geochemistry and gold grain results from till samples, Contwoyto Lake, Northwest Territories (NTS 76 E, south half). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3387.

Regional kimberlite indicator mineral reports for diamond exploration

Copies of these reports may be purchased from: Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E8

Dredge, L., Kjarsgaard, I., Ward, B., Kerr, D., and Stirling, J.
1995: Distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Aylmer Lake map area, NWT (NTS 76C). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3080.

Dredge, L., Kjarsgaard, I., Ward, B., Kerr, D., and Stirling, J.
1996: Distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Point Lake map area, NWT (NTS 86H). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3341.

Kerr, .D., Kjarsgaard, I., Ward, B., Dredge, L., and Stirling, J.
1995: Distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Winter Lake map area, NWT (NTS 86A). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3081.

Kerr, D., Kjarsgaard, I., Ward, B., Dredge, L., and Stirling, J.
1996: Distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Napaktulik Lake map area, NWT (NTS 86I). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3355.

Kerr, D., Kjarsgaard, I., Dredge, L., and Stirling, J.
in prep: Distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Contwoyto Lake map area, NWT (NTS 76E, north half). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File xxxx.

Ward, B., Kjarsgaard, I., Dredge, L., Kerr, D., and Stirling, J.
1995: Distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Lac de Gras map area, NWT (NTS 76D). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3079.

Ward, B., Kjarsgaard, I., Dredge, L., Kerr, D., and Stirling, J.
1997: Distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Contwoyto Lake map area, NWT (NTS 76E, south half). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3386.

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