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Kimberlite indicator mineral and soil geochemical reconnaissance of the Canadian Prairie region
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.Field and laboratory methods

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Diamonds
Kimberlite indicator mineral and soil geochemical reconnaissance of the Canadian Prairie region

Darnley, A.G., Björklund, A., Bølviken, B., Gustavsson, N., Koval, P.V., Steenfelt, A., Tauchid, A., Xie Xuejing, Garrett, R.G., and Hall, G.E.M.
1995: A global geochemical database for environmental and resource management; UNESCO Earth Science Series, 19, Paris, 122 p.

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Fipke, C.E. (ed.)
1989: The development of advanced technology to distinguish between diamondiferous and barren diatremes; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2124, Part 1, II, and III, 1183 p.

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1994: The distribution of cadmium in A horizon soils of the prairies in Canada and the adjoining United States; in Current Research 1994-C; Geological Survey of Canada, p. 73-82.

Garrett, R.G. and Thorleifson, L.H.
1993: Prairie Kimberlite Study - Soil and till geochemistry and mineralogy, low density orientation survey traverses, Winnipeg-Calgary-Edmonton-Winnipeg, 1991; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2685, (one 1.4MB diskette containing 25 ASCII files).

1994: The distribution of mercury in A and C horizon soils in the Prairies of Canada and adjoining United States; Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Whistler, B.C., July 10-14, 1994, Abstracts for Poster Session III..

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1989: Ni in chrome pyrope garnets: a new geothermometer; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 103, p. 199-202.

Griffin, W.L. and Ryan, C.G.
1993: Trace elements in garnets and chromites: evaluation of diamond exploration targets; in Diamonds: Exploration, Sampling, and Evaluation, P. Sheahan and A. Chater (ed.); Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, p. 185-212.

Gurney, J.J.
1984: A correlation between garnets and diamonds in kimberlites; in Kimberlite Occurrence and Origin: A Basis for Conceptual Models in Exploration, J.E. Glover and P.G. Harris (ed.); University of Western Australia, Publication No. 8, p. 143-166.

Gurney, J.J. and Moore, R.O.
1993: Geochemical correlations between kimberlitic indicator minerals and diamonds; in Diamonds: Exploration, Sampling and Evaluation, P. Sheahan and A. Chater (ed.); Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, p. 147-172.

Prest, V.K., Grant, D.R., and Rampton, V.N.
1968: Glacial map of Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1253A (1:5 000 000 scale).

Severson, R.C. and Tidball, R.R.
1979: Spatial variation in total element concentration in soil within the Northern Great Plains coal region; U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1134-A, p. A1-A18.

Severson, R.C. and Wilson, S.A.
1990: Assessment of geochemical variability and a listing of geochemical data for surface soils of Eastern North Dakota and parts of Northeastern South Dakota and Northwestern Minnesota; U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 90-310, 58 p.

Shetsen, I.
1984: Application of till pebble lithology to the differentiation of glacial lobes in southern Alberta; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 21, p. 920-933.

Thorleifson, L.H. and Garrett, R.G.
1993: Prairie kimberlite study - till matrix geochemistry and preliminary indicator mineral data; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2745 (one diskette).

Thorleifson, L.H., Garrett, R.G., and Matile, G.
1994: Prairie kimberlite study indicator mineral geochemistry; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2875, (one 1.4MB diskette containing 12 ASCII files).

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