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Satellite image of Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Geomagnetic Data
.Observatory plots
.Magnetic field (B)
.Rate of change (dB/dt)
.Geoelectric field
.Summary plots
.last 24 hours
.Digital data
.Canadian indices
.Planetary indices

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

Proactive disclosure

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Geomagnetism
Digital Data

Digital data from Canadian magnetic observatories participating in INTERMAGNET can be downloaded via your browser. These data are generally available for the day previous to the current one and remain available for 1.5 years or until the INTERMAGNET CD-ROM is released. Any requests for older data must be made directly to the GIN manager, to be processed manually. Formats of the data files are described at the INTERMAGNET web site. Universal Time (UT) is used.

Conditions Of Use:

The Geomagnetic data available through this site are provided for your use (and for the use of colleagues collaborating on the same project) and are not for sale or distribution by you to third parties, without the express written permission of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). Any report or publication that makes use of these data should acknowledge the Geological Survey of Canada as the source. One copy of each report or publication should be sent to the GSC.

We ask that the data not be used for commercial purposes, nor in any project in which you, your organization, or your collaborators are in a commercial agreement with any third party. Commercial users should contact the GIN manager.

Your e-mail address, which you provide when requesting data, will be used so that the GSC may monitor the use of its data.

By accessing these data you signify your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

2006-02-07Important notices