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Ice-Core Expedition 2001
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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Glaciology
Ice-Core Expedition 2001
Daily Report - May 17th 2001

Canadian Forces team arriving at Quintino Sella base camp.
Canadian Forces team arriving at Quintino Sella base camp.

Snow sampling continues at the Quintino Sella base camp. Higher up, ICE2001's King Col three-man team is consolidating its camp. The six-man Prospector-Russell team is also at KC (site III), but during the day is ferrying its equipment up a very steep ice fall in the direction of camp IV. The ice fall is difficult to negotiate, so the climbers switch from skis to crampons which are metal spikes temporarily attached to the boot. The climbers usually drag small sleds behind them, but for the ice fall, they strap them to their back packs. Eventually, they will have everything at the top of the ice fall - shelter, supplies, skis and sleds - ready to go on to the next temporary camp, known as site IV, enroute to the final destination of the drill site at site VI. The King Col team is now settled as Chris Zdanowicz, Gerry Holdsworth and Kaplan Yalcin.

Today, a Canadian Forces team came down from the King Trench and caught a plane at the Quintino Sella base camp to fly off the mountain. They passed the high-altitude ICE2001 teams on their way down. They had arrived at the QS base camp over three weeks earlier. They were successful, having placed two of their team on the summit of Mount Logan, 5959 metres. They were Chris McGuffin and Patrice Sabourin, Ian Cox, David Mulroney, Eric Thibeault and Patrick Falardeau. The latter two stood on the top of the mountain.

The weather remains good, with nighttime temperatures about -18ºC at the lowest camp, on the Quintino Sella glacier. Daytime air temperatures at QS rise to about -6ºC, although it seems warmer in the sun and without wind.

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