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Ice-Core Expedition 2001
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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Glaciology
Ice-Core Expedition 2001
Daily Report - May 26th 2001

The ICE2001 team for the high drill camp, now settled at its final destination for the 5300 metre Prospector-Russell Col, has called for the helicopter to come and transport the deep-coring drill and its support equipment from its temporary storage at the Quintino Sella Base Camp to the Prospector-Russell Col. If the weather holds, then tomorrow (Sunday), will be a busy day for everyone.

Meanwhile, the other adventures on the mountain continue. This morning, three parties totaling 13 climbers entered the King Trench on the first part of their attempt at Logan's 5959 metre summit.

2005-11-30Important notices