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Ice-Core Expedition 2001
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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Glaciology
Ice-Core Expedition 2001
Daily Report - May 8th 2001

Action at last!

Unexpectedly, the skies were clear when the team stirred at Kluane this morning, although this is no guarantee of clear skies in the region of Logan, over 100 mikes to the west, and near the energy of the Pacific Ocean. Around mid-day, a single-engine Heliocourier fixed-wing aircraft, piloted by Andy Williams, flew ICE2001 team members Mike Waskiewicz and Jeff Bellis to the base camp site on Quintino Sella Glacier. Their subsequent reports, and the official meteorological reports, were sufficiently optimistic that a Twin Otter aircraft, waiting at Inuvik, was sent for.

The Twin arrived in the early evening and promptly made two runs to the base camp, taking Gerry Holdsworth, Eric Ruffa and about a third of the equipment, before finally setting down at Kluane for the night.

This is the Heliocourier, a small plane that took Mike Waskiewicz and Jeff Bellis to the Quintino Sella Glacier.
This is the Heliocourier, a small plane that took Mike Waskiewicz and Jeff Bellis to the Quintino Sella Glacier.

The Twin Otter taxying on the Kluane airstrip.
The Twin Otter taxying on the Kluane airstrip.

2005-11-30Important notices