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.Gravity reduction formulae
.Gravity data
.Weighted Euler deconvolution of gravity data
.Deformation of the Sudbury Structure
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.Gravity data (GDR)
.Canadian Gravity Database

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Gravity

Bouguer gravity anomalies Variations in the Earth's gravitational acceleration, corrected for the height above sealevel, of the observation and for the total mass of rock between the observation point and sea level.
Density Physical rock property defined as total mass devided by volume (kg/m³ )
Free-air gravity anomaly Deviation of the observed gravity field at sealevel from the value predicted by a global model.
Gravimeter High precision instrument to measure minute variations in the Earth's gravitational attraction that exist as a result of density variations in the underlying rock formations.
Gravity anomalies Deviations from the predicted gravity field.
Isostasy Process of vertical adjustments of anomalous mass to balance the upward floating and the gravitational downward force. A good example is an iceberg, floating in water.
mGal Unit of gravitational acceleration, equivalent to 0.00001 m/s2.
Newton's law of gravity Two masses attract each other with a force that is proportional to both masses and inversely proportional to the squared distance between them. This force is called the gravitational attraction.

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