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Logan Club
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The year in review
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 Geological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Logan Club
GSC Logan Club
The year in review (2003-2004)

The year 2003-04 was another successful year for Logan Club, with the Club being co-chaired by Drs. Allen Galley and Wouter Bleeker. In total, ten speakers addressed the Logan Club in Gamble Hall, on a wide variety of topics:

  1. Kathleen Johnson, from the USGS: on their experience with matrix management.

  2. Kevin Cassidy, Geoscience Australia: tectonics and granitoid suites of the Yilgarn craton.

  3. Jan Veizer, University of Ottawa: on climate change and the cosmic ray connection.

  4. Chang-Jo Chung, GSC Ottawa: on landslide risk assessment.

  5. John Waldron, University of Alberta: salt tectonics and the evolution of the Cumberland Basin.

  6. Andrew Weaver, University of Victoria: the science and politics of climate change.

  7. Rich Goldfarb, USGS: on a broad review of orogenic gold deposits.

  8. John Thompson, Teck Cominco: ore deposits systems

  9. Dugald Carmichael, Queen's University: reaction creep in low-grade metamorphic rocks.

  10. Michel Cuney, Nancy, France: on the controls of high-grade unconformity U deposits.

All talks were well received, but if attendance is a measure, the two talks on climate change by Jan Veizer and Andrew Weaver were perhaps the highlights, with standing room only. Dr. Veizer argued for a cosmic ray connection and down-played anthropogenic forcing, whereas Dr. Weaver reviewed the evidence for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions being a significant forcing in the last few decades. Most abstracts can be viewed on the Archive page.

The Web site was maintained by John A. Grant and all announcements are now sent out electronically with a link to the Logan Club Web page, where abstracts are posted in both official languages. A number of volunteers helped out with French translations: Andrée Blais-Stevens, Natasha Wodicka, Marc St-Onge, Denis St-Onge, Simon Hanmer, and Benoît Dubé.

A final word of thanks to Director General, Murray Duke, for supporting the Logan Club.

Wouter Bleeker & Alan Galley
May 2004

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