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Marine Geoscience
Georgia Basin geohazards initiative
.Fraser River Delta - Onshore/Offshore geohazards in the Vancouver region of western Canada
.Strait of Georgia - Ocean Disposal at the Point Grey disposal site
.Fraser Delta - Surficial sediment distribution and human impact

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Strong and safe communities > Natural hazards and emergency response
Georgia Basin geohazards initiative


Atkinson, G.M., and J.F. Cassidy , (2000). Integrated use of seismograph and strong motion data to determine soil amplification: Response of the Fraser Delta to the Duvall and Georgia Strait earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90, 1028-1040.

Barrie, J.V. (2000) Recent geological evolution and human impact: Fraser Delta, Canada. In: Coastal and Estuarine Environments, Geological Society Special Publication, 175, 281-292.

Barrie, J.V. and Conway, K.W. (2000) A preliminary interpretation of surficial marine geology of central and northern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research, 2000-A21, 1-7.

Barrie, J.V. and Currie, R.G. (2000) Human impact and sediment distribution, Fraser River Delta, Canada. Journal of Coastal Research, 16, 747-755.

Blakely, R. and Lowe, C. , (2000) Aeromagnetic anomalies of the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait region, in; Mosher, D.C. and Johnson, S.Y. (Eds.), Rathwell, G.J., Kung, R.B., and Rhea, S.B.(Compilers), Neotectonics of the easter Juan de Fuca Strait; a digital geological and geophysical atlas. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 3931.

Cassidy, J.F. , Rogers, G.C. , and F. Waldhauser (2000). Characterization of active faulting beneath the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90, 1188-1199.

Conway, K.W. , Barrie, J.V. , and Hebda, R.J. (2001) Evidence for a late Quaternary flood event in the Georgia Basin, British Columbia. Curren Research 2001-A, Geological Survey of Canada. (in press)

Currie, C.A., Cassidy. J.F. , and R.D. Hyndman (2000). A regional study of crustal shear-wave splitting above the Cascadia subduction zone: Margin-parallel crustal stress, Geophysical Research Letters, (in press).

Davis, E.E., Wang, K., Thomson, R.E., Becker, K., and J.F. Cassidy (2000). An episode of seafloor-spreading and associated plate deformation inferred from crustal fluid pressure transients, Journal of Geophysical Research, (submitted).

Hewitt, A.T. and Mosher, D.C. , (2000). Seafloor geology of the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca, British Columbia and Washington. Marine Geology (submitted).

James, T. S. , J. J. Clague , K. Wang, and I. Hutchinson , (2000) Rapid deglaciation of the Cordilleran ice sheet and crustal rebound, European Geophysical Society Meeting, Nice, France, April, 2000.

James, T. S. , J. J. Clague , K. Wang, and I. Hutchinson , (2000) Postglacial rebound at the northern Cascadia subduction zone, Quat. Sc. Rev., 19, 1527-1541.

Lowe, C. and Dehler, S.A., (2000) Constraints on structure and composition beneath Georgia and Sydney basins, offshore Canada: insights from analysis of potential field data. GeoCanada 2000, Program with Abstracts, Program # 854.

Lowe, C. and Dehler, S.A., (2000) Structure of the Georgia and Sydney basins, offshore Canada. Cordilleran Exploration RoundUp 2000, Vancouver, B.C.

Lowe, C. and Blakely, R., (2000) Free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies of the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait region, in; Mosher, D.C. and Johnson, S.Y. (Eds.), Rathwell, G.J., Kung, R.B., and Rhea, S.B. (Compilers), Neotectonics of the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait; a digital geological and geophysical atlas. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 3931.

Lowe, C. , Baker, J., and Journeay, J.M. , (2001) Ground magnetic investigations of Cenozoic structures in the northern Cascadia Forearc, British Columbia, Current Research 2001-A12, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 1-16.

Monahan, P.A., Luternauer, J.L., Barrie, J.V. and Clague, J.J. (2000) Variation of CPT tip resistance with age and its application to liquefaction susceptibility mapping in the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Seismic Zonation, Palm Springs, California, November, 2000, Volume I, 637-642.

Mosher, D.C. , (2000). Neotectonic mapping in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca: Report of field activities. Geological Survey of Canada Open File No. 3868. 27 pp.

Mosher, D.C. , Cassidy, J.F. , Lowe, C. , Mi, Y., Hyndman, R.D., Rogers, G.C., and M.A. Fisher (2000). Neotectonics in the Strait of Georgia: Tentative correlation of seismicity with shallow geologic structure in southwestern British Columbia, Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2000-A22, 1-9.

Mosher, D.C. , Christian, D.C., Hunter, J.A., and Luternauer, J.L., (2000). Onshore and Offshore Geohazards of the Fraser River Delta. in: Fraser River Delta: Issues of an Urban Estuary, (ed.) B.J. Groulx and J.L. Luternauer, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 546.

Mosher, D.C. and Johnson, S.Y. (eds.), Rathwell, G.J., Kung, R.B., and Rhea, S.B. (compilers), (2000). Neotectonics of the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait; a digital geological and geophysical atlas. Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 3931.

Mosher, D.C. , and Thomson, R.E., (2000). Massive submarine sand dunes in the eastern Juan de Fuca Strait, British Columbia. Marine Sandwave Dynamics, International Workshop, March 23-24, 2000. University of Lille 1, France, Processedings, Trentesaux, A., and Garlan, T. (Eds.), p. 131-142.

Zelt, B.C., Ellis, R.M., Zelt, C.A., Hyndman, R.D., Lowe, C. , Spence, G.D., and Fisher, M.A., 2000. Three-dimensional crustal velocity structure beneath the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Geophysical Journal International, in press.


Barrie, J.V. (1999) Human Impact and recent geological evolution of the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia. Proceedings of the 1999 Canadian Coastal Conference 1999, Vol. 1, 277-292.

Cassidy, J.F. , R.M. Ellis, C. Karavas, and G.C. Rogers (1998). The northern limit of the subducted Juan de Fuca plate system, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 26,949-26,961.

Cassidy, J.F. , and G.C. Rogers (1999). Seismic site response in the greater Vancouver, British Columbia area: Spectral ratios from moderate earthquakes, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 36, 195-209.

Cassidy, J.F. , and G.C. Rogers (1999). Evaluating site response in the greater Vancouver area using moderate earthquakes, Proceedings of the 8th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 95-100.

Fisher, M.A., and Expedition Participants, (1999). Seismic Survey Probes Urban Earthquake Hazards in Pacific Northwest. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union v. 80, p. 13-17.


Barrie, J.V. , Currie, R.G. and Kung, R. (1998) Surficial sediment distribution and human impact: Fraser River Delta. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Map 3572.

Cassidy, J.F. , G.C. Rogers, D.H. Weichert, and T.E. Little (1998). Digital Strong Ground Motion Recordings of the June 1997, Strait of Georgia Earthquake, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 3599.

Christian, H.A. , Mosher, D.C. , Barrie, J.V. , Hunter, J.A., and Luternauer, J.L., (1998). Seabed instability on the Fraser River delta; in Geology and Natural Hazards of the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, (ed.) J.J. Clague, J.L. Luternauer, and D.C. Mosher, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 525, p. 217-230.

Clague, J.J., Luternauer, J.L. and Mosher, D.C. (eds.), (1998). Geology and Natural Hazards of the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 525, (270 pp).

Hart, B.S., Hamilton, T.S. and Barrie, J.V. (1998) Sedimentation rates and patterns on a deep-water delta (Fraser Delta, Canada): Integration of high resolution seismic stratigraphy, core lithofacies and 137Cs fallout stratigraphy. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 68, 556-568.

Luternauer, J.L., Mosher, D.C. , Clague, J.J., and Atkins, R.J., (1998). Sedimentary environments of the Fraser delta; in Geology and Natural Hazards of the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, (ed.) J.J. Clague, J.L. Luternauer, and D.C. Mosher, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 525, p. 27-40.

Mosher, D.C. and Hamilton, T.S., (1998). Morphology, structure and stratigraphy of the offshore Fraser delta and adjacent Straitof Georgia. in Geology and Natural Hazards of the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, (ed.) J.J. Clague, J.L. Luternauer, and D.C. Mosher, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 525, p.147-160.

Rogers, G.C., Cassidy, J.F. and Weichert, D.H. (1998), Variation in earthquake ground motion on the Fraser delta from strong motion seismograph records, in Geology and Natural Hazards of the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, (ed.), J.J. Clague, J.L. Luternauer, and D.C. Mosher; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 525, 195-210.

Georgia Basin geohazards initiative

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