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Natural Resources Canada
Marine geoscience
Scotian margin
.Project overview
.Geologic overview
.Margin structural evolution
.Geophysical characteristics
.Stratigraphic overview
.Biostratigraphic introduction
.New research
.Crustal structure
.Magnetic anomaly maps
.Seismic mapping of the Shelf and Slope
.Salt deformation
.Biostratigraphic research
.Additional reading
.Products & references
Related links
.Geoscience for Ocean Management

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿConsolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Sustainable development of natural resources > Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge > Scotian Margin
Geology of the Scotian Margin

Geological Survey of Canada (Dartmouth, NS):

Associates & other contributors

  • Thomas Funck
    crustal studies
    Danish Lithosphere Centre, Copenhagen, Denmark(now at: GEUS, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland)

  • Keith Louden
    crustal studies
    Dalhousie University (Oceanography), Halifax, NS

  • Andrew MacRae
    sequence and seismic stratigraphy
    Saint Mary's University (Geology), Halifax, NS

  • Patrick Upson
    web programming and animations
    Dalhousie University (Computer Science Co-op Program), Halifax, NS

2006-05-27Important notices