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Northeastern Brazil Groundwater Project


Northeast Brazil is home to some 25 million people living in a 1 million km2 area, and is often referred to as the most densely populated semi-arid region on earth.  Once every decade, on average, it is subjected to a severe El-Niño related drought that can last between two and four years.  These droughts are particularly devastating for the rural population by causing the disintegration of the main life-sustaining activity in the region: subsistence agriculture.  When droughts occur, a large proportion of the population, mostly the young working-age men, migrate out of the region, leaving the women, children and the elderly to cope with hunger and diseases, and to become totally dependent on inadequate government food and water distribution programs.

The Northeastern Brazil Groundwater Project (2000-2004), also known as PROASNE, is a technology transfer program funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) designed to help develop the region’s groundwater resources as a means of augmenting the long-term water supply for the rural communities, thus reducing the hardship caused by drought and improving living conditions in general.  But developing the groundwater resources in northeast Brazil poses special challenges due to the fact that groundwater is not plentiful and is difficult to find in the hard and impermeable Precambrian crystalline bedrock that underlies most of the region.  Also contributing to the problem are: low precipitation and very high evaporation rates; the fact that surface waters are mostly polluted and groundwater is generally brackish and unfit for human consumption without treatment; an inadequate supply of energy to pump, transport and treat water; and a poor and uninformed population, generally unaware of the basic principles of water conservation, surface and groundwater protection, safe farming practices, etc.

Through PROASNE, Canada supplies state-of-the-art technologies to Brazilian institutions, as needed, to permit these institutions to carry out more efficient groundwater development projects. Canadian technology is delivered mostly by the Canadian private sector under contract to PROASNE. The project uses a technology transfer/capacity building approach, and operates in 4 pilot areas in 3 states. In parallel to the technical program, the project has an elaborate social/gender program conducted by Brazilian social service providers under the supervision of a Canadian specialist. The project is contributing to the sustainable development of Brazil's groundwater resources and provides an important humanitarian outlet for Canadian technology.

 To date, PROASNE has achieved major successes in using airborne geophysics as a tool to rapidly map the occurrence of groundwater over large areas; in applying Canadian solar technology in groundwater management; in developing a national groundwater database accessible through the Internet; and at the community level through its education and community development program which has become a model for the development of similar projects in other part of the world. 

The links in the sub-menu on the left provide access to early documents that resulted from the project development efforts.  See also Project Overview.

 last modified: 2005-11-12

PROASNE operates in 4 pilot areas in 3 states: Ceará, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte

(click map to enlarge)