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Step By Step Instructions
Tutorial - web-based
Tutorial - video-based
Tutorial - downloadable pdf for offline use (1Mb)
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Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Internet Mapping Help and Tutorial System


Internet maps have much in common with traditional paper maps, with a few important differences.

This tutorial will show you how to use interactive Internet based maps. After this tutorial you should be able to understand and navigate Ministry maps successfully; even if you have no prior knowledge of GIS. The basic tutorial will probably take about fifteen minutes. However, in less than five minutes you can have the background required to successfully navigate a Ministry map view.

The tutorial is designed to be used two ways. For the beginners, we recommend you take the guided tour which will introduce you to basic GIS concepts first. Then we'll introduce you to the tools and methods that you'll use to navigate around the map and ask it questions. For the more advanced users, you can select a specific topic from the tutorial contents found below.

To begin the tutorial, click Start below.

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