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Dec 10, 2006
A voice from Northwest Territories
Merle Koe, Chief Julius High School, Fort McPherson, NT

Hi, my name is Merle Koe. I'm twenty years old. I attend Chief Julius School. I live in a community of almost 1,000 people; it's a small community of Gwich'in people. Here we continue to look after one another and treat each other as family. MORE
Where do you live?
Timothy Biggins, Teacher, Big Island Cree Nation, Saskatchewan

We have been discussing the concept of Indigenious people throughout the world. It is easy to see the similarities of struggle and oppression that has embodied many of the cultures in the world. That of course led us to our Indigenous people of Canada who also have had to deal with inequalities and lack of opportunities. MORE
H.J. Cambie Secondary School
Kathleen McNeely devoted her life to her community, becoming the first female principal in Richmond, British Columbia. She risked her life to care for her students and their families during the Spanish Influenza epidemic. MORE
H.J. Cambie Secondary School
As a Japanese-Canadian in the early 1900s, Tomekichi Homma fought tirelessly for the right to vote, but died in an internment camp four years before his dream was realized. MORE
Human Security
Rebecca Willms
Poverty is an important issue in today’s world. It is everywhere, whether you live in a third world country or even if you live in rich, affluent western countries. Whether or not you know about it, we have poverty and homelessness in our own country... MORE
mercedes mclean
Over 800 million children, men and women in developing nations are starving right now. Every day more than 24,000 people die from hunger. Three-fourths of these deaths are children under the age of five years old.... MORE
Immigration Experience
Kendra Martell, Steven Corkum, Mathew Carter - Richmond Academy, Nova Scotia
The video has to do with the involvement and the role played by the Chinese immigrants in the construction of the railway. MORE
Alex Bell, Avery Hastings, Steph McMurchy, Kristin Thompson
The second collaboration to come out of the morning history class at Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School in Selkirk, Manitoba. The girls second single deals with the immigrant experience to Manitoba in the late 1800's. MORE
Peace and Conflict
Kelsey Burke & Andrew Campbell, Richmond Academy
A brief history of the Seven Years War and its effect on the development of Canada. MORE
Adam Brown (Fish Dizzle), Thomas Pashko (Biggie Fur), James Carter (Jim 2 Tha Brim), Alexander Paradoski (Lil' Squirt) - Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School
The project was to teach the grade 11 Canadian History class about the debate surrounding the size of the colony of New France. Was it best to expand the territory? Or to keep the colony small and nestled on the St. Lawrence. The boys describe it... MORE
Champlain in Acadia
Reid Sonntag, Matthew Greschner, Lindsay Greschner, Jason Alexander, Janelle Stoebich, Meagan Brunet
Through the exploration of the Champlain in Acadia unit in YouthLinks we discovered the many unknowns of Samuel de Champlain. MORE
Chris Mossop
A live acoustic rendition of Chris Mossop's first hit single, "The Samuel Champlain Song" MORE
Patrick Colin
My name is Patrick Colin I’m from a Gwich’in community of about 950 residents; we live alone the Peel River also were located 57’ north of the Arctic Circle. We have a School of about 200 students, a Recreation Center, Band Office,... MORE
Dwight Snowshoe
My name is Dwight Snowshoe and i am from a small aboriginal town called Fort Mcpherson which is located in the cold Northwest Territory.The town had about 900 poeple and about 75 percent of us are the Gwichin people.Our town always show respect to everyone,especially... MORE
Ian Alexander, Jasmine Bracken, Coryn Courcelles, Ashley Kowalchuk, Randi Roberts, Matt Spring
Wisdom in Diversity Selkirk, Manitoba Coming from the small city of Selkirk, Manitoba, it is somewhat difficult to consider the theme "Wisdom in Diversity", especially while in the context of Asia/Canada relations. We come from a school of around... MORE
Chris Mossop
When the Chinese used to rule the sea From 1405 to 1433 It was a great Chinese fleet That used to rule the sea How did the Chinese come to rule the sea? Well they had a leader, Whose name was Zhu Di The great ships, had nine full masts, The... MORE

Canada should support Kyoto Protocol
A new web site that explores the history and issues that define the Asian experience in Canada.
Visit these related Historica web sites:
  Champlain in Acadia
  Peace & Conflict
  Voices: Getting the Vote