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Natural Resources Canada

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada
GSC Laboratories
.Geochronology Laboratory
.Electron Beam Laboratory
.Light stable isotopes
.Delta laboratory / Stable isotope geochemistry laboratory
.Analytical chemistry
.Gamma-ray spectrometry standards laboratory
.Other laboratories:
.GSC Calgary
.GSC Quebec

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ÿGeological Survey of Canada
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Laboratories
GSC Laboratories

The GSC has a diverse range of laboratories that are unique in Canada. The GSC would welcome opportunities to discuss possible collaboration on the use of these laboratories.

The GSC laboratory service supports the priorities of the Earth Sciences Sector

  1. Analytical chemistry laboratories

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: D.C. Grégoire

    These laboratories specialize in the total analysis of geological and environmental samples for most elements of the periodic table. They are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including laser ablation and electrothermal vaporization ICP mass spectrometry. Extremely small samples can be analysed for trace elements and for isotope ratios of certain elements such as boron, lithium, lead and osmium. Chelation ion chromatography coupled with plasma spectrochemical techniques allows for the analysis of pore fluids and brines, as well as ultra-trace analysis of geological materials. The laboratories collaborate with industry and universities on method and instrument development projects, and offer training in instrumental technology and applications to geochemical analysis.

  2. Analytical method development laboratory

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: G.E.M. Hall

    This laboratory focusses on speciation of elements in sediments, soils and waters; cost-effective methods to analyse surface waters to ppb, ppt and ppq levels by ICP-MS and ICP-AES; and methods by which to differentiate geogenic and anthropogenic sources of metals. This state-of-the-art laboratory includes a Class-100 Cleanroom. New methods are designed and tested mainly through collaborative projects in environmental and exploration geochemistry with scientists in GSC, elsewhere in Canada and abroad in other government, university and industry institutions. The methodology is developed and transferred to Canadian commercial geochemical and environmental laboratories through collaborative learning, training and international publications.

  3. Delta-Lab

    Location: Québec

    Contact: M.M. Savard

    The GSC-Quebec isotopic geochemistry laboratory analyses stable isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur using PRISM-III or DELTA PLUS XL, in continuous flow with a Gas Chromatographer-Combustion system (GC-C-IRMS), an Elemental Analyser (EA-CF-IRMS), a Gas Chromatographer-Pyrolysis system (GC-TC-IRMS), a Pyrolysis-Elemental Analyser system (TC-EA-IRMS) and a GAS-Bench for water equilibration and carbonate digestion. With this equipment, the laboratory can cover the entire range of stable isotopic tracers applied to hydrogeological, environmental, metallogenic, diagenetic and sedimentological studies by analysing the isotopes of minerals, waters and gases.

  4. Dendrochronology and dendrogeochemistry laboratory

    Location: Québec

    Contact: C. Bégin

    These facilities help scientists to analyse tree growth and use trees as bio-indicators of natural and anthropogenic environmental disruptions. Tree growth parameters are analysed by means of a high-precision (0.001 mm) Unislide Velmex micrometer, connected to a Metronics Inc. QC-1000 data-acquisition system, which is used to transfer and digitally process data. Dendrochronology can be combined with geochemical analysis of growth rings to document the nature of environmental conditions as well as their spatial and temporal evolution. Applications related to climate change, environmental geodynamics and environmental geochemistry may be developed.

  5. Gamma-ray spectrometry laboratory

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: P.B. Holman

    This laboratory analyses geological and environmental samples to measure absolute radioelement concentrations of potassium (%), equivalent uranium (ppm), and equivalent thorium (ppm). The spectrometer utilises two, lead-shielded, 14 cm by 14 cm sodium iodide detectors. A GSC-designed software package processes data acquired by the detectors and records gamma-ray spectra from successive samples. Calibration of the spectrometer is accomplished using potassium (RGK-1), equivalent uranium (RGU-1), and equivalent thorium (RGTh-1) standards recognised by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Laboratory services are available on a cost recovery basis.

  6. Geochronology laboratory

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: O. van Breemen

    This laboratory specializes in precise rock and mineral age dating and isotopic microanalysis using U-Pb, Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr, and Ar-Ar isotopic systems. It has long been involved in developing age-dating techniques to resolve important questions in geological mapping and the timing of tectonic and mineralizing events. Different chronometers are closely integrated to provide optimal approaches for answering an ever-expanding range of geoscience questions. Microbeam facilities now include the SHRIMP for in situ isotopic and trace element analysis, as well as an Ar-Ar laser mass spectrometer setup. Advice from laboratory staff and use of its facilities are available to clients in Canada and abroad.

  7. Geocryology research laboratory

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: F. Wright

    In 1996 the GSC and Carleton University established this laboratory at the university to facilitate joint research and to create training opportunities for students engaged in permafrost research. The GSC has contributed sophisticated thermal calibration and measurement systems to the facility, as well as technical expertise supporting experimental work and field studies. This comprehensive research-oriented laboratory supports fundamental and applied research in geocryology, exemplified by an ongoing international Arctic gas hydrate research project with participants from Canada, Japan, the USA, Germany and India. The facility also offers commercial services on a cost recovery basis.

  8. Geomagnetic laboratory

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: L. Newitt

    This laboratory develops, tests and calibrates geophysical instruments for several GSC activities: geomagnetism, marine geophysics, crustal geophysics and seismology. For external clients, it calibrates magnetometers, magnetic compasses, and magnetotelluric systems. Operational and scientific groups collect and use geomagnetic data from across Canada for a variety of purposes, including the production of magnetic charts for navigation by compass and magnetic storm warnings. Scientific and engineering collaborations with industrial and academic partners are welcomed. Research specialities include the effects of magnetic storms and other related phenomena on modern technological systems such as electric power transmission and pipelines.

  9. Light stable isotope (LSI) laboratory

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: B.E. Taylor

    This laboratory specializes in the application of oxygen, hydrogen, sulphur and carbon isotope geochemistry to the study of hydrologic, petrologic, and ore-forming processes. A complete range of inorganic and organic Earth materials is analysed as macro and micro samples, using state-of-the-art and, in some cases, world-leading techniques, including laser-based fluorination of microscopic samples. Collaborating scientists from government, industry and university work closely with laboratory personnel. Where appropriate, collaborators may carry out analytical procedures themselves, or rely on support from laboratory staff, on a cost-sharing basis.

  10. MicroAnalysis laboratory

    Location: Dartmouth

    Contact: F.C. Thomas

    This laboratory's principal function is the imaging and chemical analysis of geological materials such as microfossils and of sediment/mineral grains. The facility houses an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) with attached energy dispersive spectrometer, an X-ray diffractometer, and an optical image analysis system. It is capable of examining unconsolidated marine sediment samples in a natural (wet) state for more accurate characterization of geotechnical properties such as porosity. A recent upgrade to the ESEM allows for the quantitative analysis of sulphides and silicate minerals. The facility collaborates with outside users in a variety of ongoing projects in geological, environmental, and biological studies, and is open to new research initiatives.

  11. Micropaleontology laboratory

    Location: Vancouver

    Contact: S. Irwin

    This laboratory specializes in microfossil (conodonts and radiolarians) processing and extraction. Facilities include a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer. The laboratory collaborates with governments, industry and universities. Where appropriate, collaborators may work individually or supported by laboratory staff on a cost-sharing basis.

  12. Mineralogical laboratories

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: G.M. LeCheminant

    GSC's Mineralogical Laboratories are equipped to conduct physical, optical, chemical and crystallographic analysis of minerals utilizing electron-microprobe, scanning-electron microscope, and x-ray diffraction techniques. In addition to their own research, the highly qualified professional staff provide mineral analysis to the other programs of the GSC and also provide expertise and training to the scientific community.

  13. Organic geochemistry laboratory

    Location: Calgary

    Contact: M.G. Fowler

    This laboratory is equipped to perform organic geochemical analyses of oils, coals and sediments and some types of environmental analyses. Data from these analyses can be used for assessing the organic carbon content, petroleum generation potential, maturity and paleoenvironment of deposition of sediments, oil-oil and oil-source correlations, maturity and degree of biodegradation, direction and relative distance of migration of hydrocarbons, the simulation (using pyrolysis techniques) and kinetics of oil and gas generation from sediments and coals, and the type and origin of hydrocarbon contamination in sediments. The laboratory provides organic geochemical analyses on a cost per sample basis.

  14. Organic petrology laboratory

    Location: Calgary

    Contact: L.D. Stasiuk

    This laboratory is equipped with a range of microscopes, including standard petrological microscopes for determining thermal maturity (including vitrinite reflectance and fluorescence) and organic facies, for interpreting the origin of pyrobitumens, for measuring homogenization temperatures, and for investigating hydrocarbon fluid inclusions. An image analysis system for automated optical microscopy (e.g., particle size and shape analysis), a confocal scanning microscope for 3-D imaging (e.g., micropaleontological applications) and a scanning electron microscope are also available.

  15. Paleomagnetic laboratory

    Location: Sidney

    Contact: R. Enkin

    This well-equipped laboratory specializes in Quaternary magnetostratigraphic correlations, tracking large scale ancient fluid-flow events, Cordilleran tectonic displacements and structural rotation problems. Most of the work done in the lab is collaborative with partners from universities and government covering the costs of sample preparation (performed on site) and measurement.

  16. Paleontology services

    Location: Calgary

    Contact: T.P. Poulton

    GSC paleontologists and laboratory facilities are available nationally and internationally for cost recovery and collaborative activities. These include fossil identifications and interpretations, laboratory preparations, referrals of paleontological samples to specialists, contributions to regional stratigraphic studies, short courses and training (in-house and external), analysis of paleontology needs and opportunities, and advice on setting up laboratories and other facilities.

  17. Palynology laboratory

    Location: Dartmouth

    Contact: R. A. Fensome

    This laboratory specializes in the analysis of rock and sediment samples for palynological and other research. Principal techniques include the breakdown of rocks and sediments using hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid to produce organic residues, and the use of heavy liquid and sieving techniques to concentrate palynomorphs (fossil spores, pollen, dinoflagellates, etc.) within the residues. Material from different geological ages requires different treatments, and this laboratory has the expertise and equipment to work with material from the entire range of geological ages.

  18. Sedimentology laboratory

    Location: Ottawa

    Contact: I. Girard

    This laboratory provides analysis of unconsolidated sediments. A number of tests are available to GSC scientists, including Atterberg limits, grain size (sieving or particle size analyser) and carbon content. The laboratory allows the GSC to explore non-standard processing techniques and to customize analysis for given GSC projects. The laboratory will consider providing specialized (i.e. non-commercially available) sedimentological analysis to university or other stakeholders on a cost per sample basis.

  19. Unconsolidated marine sediment laboratory

    Location: Dartmouth

    Contact: R. Pickrill

    This laboratory provides access to several user-friendly facilities to measure the physical and visual properties of unconsolidated marine sediments. A state-of-the-art multisensor track utilizes a Cesium 137 source to digitally measure sound velocity, shear strength and water content as well as other physical properties of whole round cores (not split) along their entire length. Additional physical measurements can be taken with an Image x-radiograph system, which can orient the whole core and record the information. Once cores have been split, a camera can easily capture the core face colours before oxidation commences, against photographic standards for future archival reference. External researchers are welcomed.

2006-10-02Important notices