National Capital Commission


Act 1: The Spirit of the Campfire

Celebrating Canada as a country of communicators — because this country is so huge we first gathered around campfires to learn how to talk to each other. Even today, the size of Canada demands that we gather around our electronic campfires, and we have become leaders in communications technologies.

The show begins with the campfire and our First Nations heritage. We travel across Canada, from sea to sea to sea, and meet the pioneers who first explored and settled this vast landscape.

Our modern campfires are the electronic media through which we communicate. Canada is known world-wide for our advanced technology, and our linguistic and communications expertise. An amazing number of important technological firsts have originated in Canada.

Act 2: Celebrate Parliament

This is our “talking place” — our parliament. We honour the heroes and heroines of our parliamentary heritage, and discover the architecture of this extraordinary edifice.

Canada is a country founded on immigration; we must also pay tribute to the courageous men and woman who made the journey to create new lives as Canadian citizens.

Act 3: Celebrate the Spirit of our Communities

Along with stunning natural landscapes, Canada is also a country of towns and cities, urban rhythms binding communities together. We look at our cities and countryside through the eyes of our world-renowned writers, poets and storytellers.

Act 4: Canada Celebrates

How do Canadians have a good time? Our diversity is exemplified in the variety of ways we amuse ourselves. We are athletes. We are musicians. We are comedians and entertainers. We have redefined the concept of circus. Canadians know how to have fun!

Act 5: Celebrate Canada — The Spirit of a Country

No look at Canada is complete without a nod to our military history and our peacekeeping heritage. The spirit of cooperation is enshrined in Canadian values; we live side by side in harmony. This is a unique land, with a unique people. The spirit of this country can be seen in the eyes of every Canadian.

Modified: Monday December 5, 2005
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