Welcome to the Michigan Technological University Volcanoes Page

Sponsored by the Keweenaw Volcano Observatory.
Michigan Tech

Houghton, MI USA

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Our Purpose:
A primary focus of volcanology is to provide scientific and educational information that can lead to hazard mitigation. Michigan Tech's Volcanoes Page aims to provide information about volcanoes to the public and to complement other informational sites on the web. We started this site when there were almost no other volcano sites--now there are lots, and many of them have far more resources. So we now aim to fill in spots that aren't covered elsewhere. Send your suggestions!

What is a volcano?

We could say a volcano is a liquid rock plumbing system which extends from several 10's of kilometers depth to the earth's surface, and includes the near vent deposits of eruptions. Is this a good definition? Is this a volcano? How about this? Or this?

Earth's Volcanoes

What's happening now? --Smithsonian Institution/ USGS

Which are earth's active volcanoes?--Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Network

Details of recent activity--GVN Monthly Bulletin

How Volcanoes Work --NASA SDSU

Useful links by volcano---USGS-CVO

Volcanoes of Canada--Geological Survey of Canada

Cascade Volcano Web Cams

Webcams of Italian Volcanoes--INGV

The Nature of Volcanoes

Volcano World individual volcano links--VW-NoDakota

Volcanic Hazards Mitigation

Volcanic Ash & Aviation Links USGS

Volcanic Cloud Hazards to Aviation - This page aims to provide information about how volcanic ash clouds affect aircraft, and how to avoid this hazard.

Volcanoes and People Scientists are not communication experts. This page is a first step at building communcation between scientists and teachers, with a goal of mitigating natural hazards.

Basic Guide to Volcanic Hazards prepared by Colleen M. Riley, MTU Volcanoes are beneficial to humans living on or near them. They produce fertile soil, and provide valuable minerals, water reservoirs, geothermal resources, and scenic beauty. But volcanoes can be very dangerous. Where can a person go to be safe from an erupting volcano? What types of volcanic hazards might they face? These questions are difficult to answer because there are many types of volcanic eruptions which produce different types of volcanic hazards.

IAVCEI web site Safety at volcanoes is a major concern--before you go to a volcano, read the safety recommendations from IAVCEI!

Granular Volcano Group Sebastien Dartevelle's work.

Air and Health-- European Environment Agency

NEW! Peace Corps Master's program in Mitigation of Geological Natural Hazards--first program of its kind, and a way to combine an MS degree with real experience on the rim of fire.

IVHHN International Volcanic Health Hazard Network

Simulating a volcanic crisis in the classroom--Colgate Univ

GVES Vesuvius, The Making of a Catastrophe

Central American Volcanoes

Volcanoes of Northern Central America Northern Central America includes Guatemala and El Salvador. It is a region of high population density and with many active volcanoes. Here we have tried to provide some data of hazard mitigation value about this region.

Carr's Web--Rutgers University An introduction of Central American Volcanoes for researchers.

Honduras Geology--great resource from Rob Rogers, Univ of Texas

Ceren Web Resource--Joya de Ceren, El Salvador Univ Colorado--Payson Sheets

Salvadoran Volcanoes--SNET, El Salvador

Guatemalan Volcanoes--INSIVUMEH-Guatemala

Volcanoes of Nicaragua--INETER-Nicaragua

Casita Volcanic landslide, 1998 USGS-Kevin Scott

Latin American Volcanoes---Glyn Williams-Jones

Remote Sensing of Volcanoes

USGS Volcanic Hazards--Satellite methods What satellite data is used, and how it is used to tell us about activity.

Satellite Detection of eruptions Satellite sensors around the world are used to keep track of volcanic activity--you can consult the near realtime and not so near realtime sources.

Volcanic Clouds Page--The Volcanic Clouds Web Site describes the formation and composition of volcanic ash, gas and aerosol clouds, the remote sensing methods we use to study them, and ways that this information can be used for science and hazard mitigation.

Natural Hazards from Space--NASA Earth Observatory site

Earth's Volcanoes--JPL Site

Remote Sensing Tutorial--NASA Goddard

Astronaut Photos of Earth--NASA JSC

Remote Sensing in Natural Hazards--Univ of Washington

Online Journals Related to Volcanology

Where volcanologic research is published--updated 2004

Other www sites of volcanic interest

Links to items related to volcanoes, including observatories, universities with volcano research and other items of interest to volcanophiles.

IAVCEI Commision for Volcanic Gases

Recent Michigan Tech Publications about volcanoes

How Volcanoes Work, SDSU site

PBS Nova program about Galeras and Long period seismic warnings

Foreign Volcano Maps--USGS CVO

Erta Ale from Stromboli

Volcanoes on Stamps

Paintings of Volcanoes

Volcanic Humor

A lighter side to living with volcanoes.
Volcano Jokes
How to cook with lava

Information for future volcanologists--USGS/Cascade Volcano Observatory

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