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Ressources naturelles Canada

Commission géologique du Canada
Commission géologique du Canada
Commission géologique du Canada
.Adresses de la CGC
.Au sujet de la CGC
.Sir William Logan
.Quoi de neuf? (SST)
.Les sciences à la CGC
.Entrepôt de données géoscientifiques
.Produits de données du SST
.Initiative géoscientifique ciblée
.Répertoire des compétences géoscientifiques de la CGC
.Librairie et points de vente
.Catalogue de la bibliothèque
.Publications de la CGC (GEOSCAN)
.Bulletin d'information mensuel
.Liens géoscientifiques
Ressources pédagogiques
.Demandez-le à un géologue
.Sites éducatifs
.Ressources pédagogiques
.Diffusion de l'information
.Cartes géologiques

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 Commission géologique du Canada
Ressources naturelles Canada > Secteur des sciences de la Terre > Commission géologique du Canada
Commission géologique du Canada
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Gouvernement fédéral

Gouvernements provinciaux

Alberta Alberta Geological Survey
Alberta Research Council
Colombie-Britannique British Columbia Geological Survey
Manitoba Industrie, développement économique et mines, Manitoba - Division des ressources minières
Nouveau-Brunswick Ressources naturelles et Énergie
Nouvelle-Écosse Department of Natural Resources - Minerals and Energy Branch
Nunavut Bureau Géoscientifique Canada-Nunavut
Ontario Commission géologique de l'Ontario (CGO)
MDNM - Division des mines et des minéraux
Québec Ministère des Ressources naturelles
Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Industry and Resources:
      Mineral Resources
      Oil and Gas Resources
Terre-Neuve et
Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador
Territoires du
Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
Ressources minérales et pétrolières (AINC)
Minerals, Oil & Gas (GT.N-O.)
Programme des affaires du Nord - Mines et minéraux (AINC)
Fort Liard Resources Directory
Beaufort-Mackenzie Mineral Development Area
Yukon Yukon Geology Program


Brock University Department of Earth Sciences
Carleton University Department of Earth Sciences
Dalhousie University Department of Earth Sciences
Dalhousie Geodynamics Group
École Polytechnique, Montréal Géophysique et Géostatistique
Lakehead University Department of Geology
Laurentian University Department of Earth Sciences
McGill University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
McMaster University School of Geography and Geology
Memorial University Department of Earth Sciences
Queen's University Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Saint Francis Xavier University Department of Earth Sciences
Simon Fraser University Department of Earth Sciences
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Département des Sciences Appliquées - Ingénierie et Géologie
Université du Québec à Montréal Département des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Atmosphère
Université Laval Département de géologie et de génie géologique
University of Alberta Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of British Columbia Earth and Ocean Sciences
Mining and Process Engineering
University of Calgary Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Manitoba Department of Geological Sciences
University of New Brunswick Department of Geology
Université d'Ottawa Département des sciences de la Terre
University of Regina University of Regina
University of Saskatchewan Department of Geological Sciences
University of Toronto Department of Geology
Web Resources in Geology
University of Waterloo Department of Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario Department of Earth Sciences
York University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science
University of Victoria School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Windsor Department of Earth Sciences





Administration fédérale


Alabama Geological Survey of Alabama
Alaska USGS (Alaska)
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Alaska Geological and Geophysical Surveys
Arizona Arizona Geological Survey
Arkansas Arkansas Geological Commission
California California Department of Conservation - State Mining & Geology Board
Colorado Colorado Geological Survey
Connecticut Connecticut Geological & Natural History Survey
Delaware Delaware Geological Survey
Florida Florida Geological Survey
Georgia Georgia Environmental Protection Division (Georgia Department of Natural Resources)
Hawaii Hawaii Geological Survey
Idaho Idaho Geological Survey
Illinois Illinois State Geological Survey
Indiana Indiana Geological Survey
Iowa Iowa Geological Survey Bureau
Kansas Kansas Geological Survey
Kentucky Kentucky Geological Survey
Louisiana Louisiana Geological Survey
Maine Maine Geological Survey
Maryland Maryland Geological Survey
Massachusetts Massachusetts Geological Survey
Michigan Michigan Department of Environmental Quality - Geological Mapping
Minnesota Minnesota Geological Survey
Mississippi Mississippi Office of Geology
Missouri Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey
Montana Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Nebraska Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Nevada Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
New Hampshire New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services - Geology Unit
New Jersey New Jersey Geological Survey
New Mexico New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
New York New York State Geological Survey
North Carolina North Carolina Geological Survey
North Dakota North Dakota Geological Survey
Ohio Ohio Geological Survey
Oklahama Oklahoma Geological Survey
Oregon Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Geological Survey
Rhode Island Rhode Island Geological Survey
South Carolina South Carolina Geological Survey
South Dakota South Dakota Geological Survey
Department of Environment & Natural Resources
Tennessee Tennessee Division of Geology
Texas Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
Utah Utah Geological Survey
Vermont Vermont Geological Survey
Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals & Energy
Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources
West Virginia West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey
Wisconsin Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Wyoming Wyoming State Geological Survey


Autres pays

Commissions géologiques

Afrique du Sud Geological Survey of South Africa
Botswana Geological Survey of Botswana
Égypte Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority
Namibie Geological Survey of Namibia in Windhoek
Tanzanie Geological Survey of Tanzania

Amérique du Sud
Argentine SEGEMAR Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico
Brésil Serviço Geológico do Brasil
Departmento Nacional de Produção Mineral
Chili SERNAGEOMIN Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería
Guyana The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC)
Uruguay Dirección Nacional de Minería y Geología (DINAMIGE)

Chine Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C
Hong Kong - Civil Engineering and Development Department - Ongoing Services (geological)
Hong Kong - Civil Engineering and Development Department - Ongoing Projects (geological)
Hong Kong Slope Safety
Corée Korea Institute of Geology, Mining and Materials (KIGAM)
Indie Geological Survey of India
Indonésie Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation
Japon Geological Survey of Japan
Malaisie Minerals and Geoscience Department Malaysia
Mongolie Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia
Thaïlande Thailand Department of Natural Resources

Autriche Geological Survey of Austria
Bulgarie Geological Institute 'Strashimir Dimitrov' BAS
Danemark &
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
KMS (Seismology)
Éstonie Geological Survey of Estonia
France Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM)
Finlande Geological Survey of Finland
Allemagne Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
Espagne Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
Grèce Greek Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration (IGME)
Hongrie Hungarian Geological Survey
Irlande Geological Survey of Ireland
Italie Servizio Geologico d'Italia
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Lettonie State Geological Survey of Latvia
Lituanie Geological Survey of Lithuania
Norvèe Geological Survey of Norway
Pays-Bas Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO
Pologne Polish Geological Institute
Department of Geology
Portugal Geological and Mining Institute of Portugal
Geological Survey of Slovak Republic
Czech Geological Survey
Roumanie Geological Institute of Romania
Royaume-Uni British Geological Survey
British Antarctic Survey
Russie Institute of Geology (Karelian Research Centre of RAS)
Trofimuk United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy
Russian Academy of Sciences - Department of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry & Mining Sciences
Slovénie Geophysical Survey of Slovenia
Geological Survey of Slovenia
Suède Geological Survey of Sweden
Suisse National Hydrological and Geological Survey
Turquie MTA General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration

Australie Geoscience Australia (autrefois Australian Geological Survey Organisation - AGSO)
Department of Minerals & Petroleum Resources (Western Australia)
Primary Industries and Resources (South Australia)
Department of Mines & Energy (Northern Territory)
Fidjii Mineral Resources Department of Fiji
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd (New Zealand)




Autres sites

Nota : La plupart de ces pages, qui n'appartiennent pas à la Commission géologique du Canada, sont en anglais ou en français seulement.

2006-10-30Avis importants