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Fighting forest pests

Forest pests, whether insects or diseases, cause significant damage to our forest resources. In Canada, annual losses from pests represent over 100 million m3 of timber, which is equivalent to more than five times the yearly production of timber in Quebec. From very early on, researchers at the Laurentian Forestry Centre (LFC) of the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) have been interested in these pests. A number of our researchers are working to identify and understand forest pests and develop effective measures of controlling them. This article will provide an overview of the work of four of our researchers: F. Wolfgang Quednau, Robert Lavallée, Michel Cusson and Gaston Laflamme. They are working on biological control, resistance to the white pine weevil in trees and treatments for white pine blister rust.

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Biological control consists in using living organisms to limit the proliferation or destructiveness of various pests. Dr. F. Wolfgang Quednau of the CFS - LFC is a pioneer in the use of biocontrols to fight forest pests. He has achieved one of the greatest successes in this field in Quebec, the use of a parasite to control the mountain ash sawfly. The sawfly was accidentally introduced in North America in 1914 and, by the mid-1970s, damage from the larvae of this species was so extensive that the pest threatened to wipe out the entire mountain ash population in the Quebec City region. The work done by Dr. Quednau allowed the pest to be controlled so that populations were maintained at acceptable levels, thus sparing our mountain ashes.

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Photo 1
Aphantorhaphopsis (Ceranthia) samarensis
Another exotic insect threatens Canadian forests: Lymantria dispar, more commonly known as the gypsy moth. This pest was found in Quebec by entomologists for the first time in 1924. The larval form feeds mainly on oak, birch, aspen and poplar. A research program on biological control carried out by the International Institute of Biological Control in Switzerland and the Canadian Forest Service resulted in the discovery by Dr. Quednau of a parasite, Aphantorhaphopsis (Ceranthia) samarensis, which preys on the gypsy moth. The larval stage of this small fly develops inside the gypsy moth caterpillars. After importing Aphantorhaphopsis into Canada, Quednau had to develop a method of rearing it on a large scale to allow its release at sites infested by gypsy moths.

Photo 2
Since 1989, Dr. Quednau and his colleagues have been working to establish a colony of Aphantorhaphopsis at the Laurentian Forestry Centre of the Canadian forest Service. This has required conducting research and gathering information on the species’ biological requirements, allowing the team to develop an effective method of rearing the parasite. It is a multistep process, and each step has to be followed to the letter to obtain adequate results. Just like livestock breeders, Dr. Quednau and his team must look after their charges’ food, mating, cages and hibernation and maintain suitable environmental conditions (temperature, light and humidity) to ensure that their colony survives. Successful rearing also entails supplying oaks seedlings and gypsy moth larvae.

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Photo 3

Just as breeders have to produce fodder for their stock, the team had to grow oak seedlings for their moths. The process began in the fall with the harvesting of around 20,000 acorns, the equivalent of the moths’ food needs for a year. At the same time, the rearing of the gypsy moths that would serve as the hosts of Aphantorhaphopsis also began with the collection of egg masses. The moths were then allowed to go into diapause (hibernation). In February, Dr. Quednau’s team hatched the eggs in order to obtain caterpillars that, in April, would be ready to receive Aphantorhaphopsis eggs.

The rearing of Aphantorhaphopsis itself began in February, by ensuring that the pupae had suitable conditions in which to emerge from their cocoons. After that came the mating of the flies and the females’ 14-day gestation period, which ended in March. At the end of the gestation period, the gypsy moth caterpillars were put in the cages, allowing the Aphantorhaphopsis to lay their eggs on the caterpillars. At the end of April, the Aphantorhaphopsis emerged from their hosts and pupated.

At this time, a second generation of Aphantorhaphopsis was produced to increase the size of the colony. After emergence, mating and gestation, the females began to lay eggs. At this point, the population was separated into two groups, the first made up of flies ready to lay eggs that would be released in the field and the second, of parasitized caterpillars, which were kept to obtain pupae for a new generation of Aphantorhaphopsis, to be used the following year.

Since 1991, 200 to 600 female Aphantorhaphopsis have been released in southeastern Ontario. Measures to monitor this introduction have shown that the parasite has become successfully established, but in very small numbers. Flies reared by Dr. Quednau were also released in New Brunswick. The experiment also showed that Aphantorhaphopsis could be introduced fairly easily in sites infested with gypsy moths and that it adapted well.

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Photo 4
Dommages causés par le charançons.

The white pine weevil is considered to be one of the most destructive pests of conifer plantations in North America. In eastern Canada, it attacks mainly white pine and Norway spruce, while in the West, its preferred hosts are the Sitka spruce, white spruce and Engelmann spruce. Like many other forest insect pests, the adult weevil causes little damage to trees and it is the larval stage, which attacks the terminal shoots, that is so destructive. Trees attacked repeatedly show reduced height growth. This results not only in lost volume, but also in a significant decrease in wood quality. Due to the weevil’s depredations and the increase in its populations, Norway spruce and white pine are almost never used anymore for reforestation in Quebec. Sitka spruce has suffered a similar fate in British Columbia. The weevil is also widespread in the Maritimes, where it preys on at least eight species of conifers.

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Various measures have been proposed to control the white pine weevil. Planting quick-growing species to provide shade for host species, removing and destroying infested terminal shoots, increasing populations of the weevil’s natural enemies, and insecticide applications have all been tested. In most cases, however, these strategies have either been impractical, only effective temporarily or too expensive to use on a large scale. Although these measures must not be completely neglected, there is growing interest in using resistant trees species as the main component in an integrated pest management program (integrated management implies that all appropriate techniques and methods are used).

Photo 5
Larves de charançons
Two LFC researchers, Dr. Robert Lavallée and Dr. Michel Cusson, have been working on resistance in trees to the white pine weevil. Although various resistance mechanisms have been proposed, the only one that has been consistently associated with resistance in trees is the production of one or more substances by the tree that reduce egg production and development. Other mechanisms, though promising, have been shown to be of highly variable effectiveness, and the presence of specific characteristics (such as a high density of resin ducts) has not been demonstrated to be necessarily associated with resistance to weevil attacks. The reduction of egg maturation is the only mechanism that has been partially explained and directly related to resistance to the weevil.

Resistance to the white pine weevil resulting from this mechanism was observed for the first time in Sitka spruce in British Columbia. Adult female weevils reared on resistant spruce shoots laid very few, if any, eggs. Resistance appeared to have no effect, however, on weevils’ foraging behaviour. In addition, the physical characteristics of resistant and nonresistant trees were identical. This suggests that resistant trees contain one or more substances that slow egg development, while susceptible trees have one or more substances that stimulate egg maturation.

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In most insects, egg growth is controlled by the juvenile hormone. Egg development is stimulated by the presence of high concentrations of this hormone in the female’s haemolymph (blood). The resistance observed in some trees appears to result from substances released by the tree that may decrease the production of juvenile hormones in female weevils. It has even been observed that, when female weevils reared on resistant trees were given synthetic juvenile hormones, egg development resumed and they began to lay eggs again.

White pine weevil.
White pine weevil.

There is still a great deal of work to be done in pinpointing resistance mechanisms in trees. Once resistance mechanisms have been identified, researchers may be able to discover or replicate the phenomenon in other trees and genetically transformed trees could be developed that react to the injuries caused by the weevil and naturally produce substances that reduce egg growth.

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Another pest, blister rust, also attacks white pine, causing high rates of mortality in the species and therefore limiting its use in plantations. The disease was introduced through white pine seedlings imported from Germany to the United States and was observed for the first time in Quebec in 1916 at Macdonald College near Montreal. The disease has had such a severe impact that it has discouraged foresters from using white pine in reforestation, considerably hindering white pine regeneration in Quebec.

Blister rust fructification.
Blister rust fructification.

Despite the presence of the rust in much of the species’ range, white pine still persists in Quebec. It occurs, however, in much smaller numbers than a century ago, due mainly to logging and the difficulty white pine has in regenerating itself. When white pine does manage to regenerate, the rust usually kills off most of the regeneration. Planting white pine could help to solve the problem but again the rust devastates plantations. In some regions, mortality rates in white pines may reach 90% in less than 20 years.

One of the means deployed to counter the disease is the eradication of Ribes species (currants), since this plant plays an important role in the transmission of the fungus (Ribes acts as intermediate host of the disease, with the spores of the rust maturing on the leaves). This technique is costly and not very effective, however, since it is almost impossible to eliminate all Ribes. The systematic removal of low branches of the pines is another technique that has been tested in western Canada. However, it has not had consistent success when tested in the East.

Photo 8
Élagage de branches basses.
A researcher at the CFS - LFC, Dr. Gaston Laflamme, has proposed a silvicultural method to help reduce the incidence of the rust in white pine plantations, based on his studies and tests in the field. Work done by Laflamme and his team has shown that, under certain conditions, pruning trees susceptible to the rust considerably reduces the incidence of the disease. The age of the plantation is an important factor in the success of the method. The best results are obtained when plantations are between 8 and 12 years old (rather than 15 to 20 years old as proposed in another method). In addition, work by Gaston Laflamme has shown that the presence of Ribes near a plantation accelerates the spread of the disease. Therefore, he recommends combining pruning with the eradication of Ribes from around the plantation wherever possible to obtain the best results.

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