National Capital Commission

If you know the Capital region, you may have seen the NCC logo in various places — on the Rideau Canal Skateway, for example, at a planning workshop or construction site or as publisher of a visitor guide. The difficulty in understanding exactly what the NCC does lies in the fact that the NCC is really many businesses in one. It is

  • a planning agency
  • a construction firm
  • a landscape-design company
  • a festival organizer
  • a visitor-information service

For the purposes of simplicity in planning and reporting, all the various operations are organized into three sectors, each one contributing in its own way to fulfilling the mission and mandate of the corporation. These separate sectors are linked by a strong “cross-fertilization” of activities and products, and they are all supported by corporate administrative services. Planning, for example, establishes the basis for programming; Real Asset Management provides the physical stages for national celebrations; and so on.

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Modified: Tuesday March 21, 2006
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