National Capital Commission

In the 19th century, the islands at the Chaudières Falls (on the Ottawa River between Ottawa and Gatineau) were a hive of industry. The history of these islands is also linked to thousands of years of travel on a river that was once a highway for Aboriginal peoples. The NCC foresees the developed islands as a dynamic link between Ontario and Quebec (Ottawa and Gatineau).

  • Victoria Island — symbolic to Canada’s First Nations — will be a place where Aboriginal peoples can become part of the Capital region. A new Aboriginal centre is proposed.
  • Footbridges, boardwalks, piers and docks will connect the islands and open them to pedestrians.
  • A vital mix of restaurants and shops, with adaptive re-use of existing buildings, and possibly infill, will entice people to visit this historic district.
  • The rich history of the area will be expressed through interpretation and commemorations.

Chaudières and Victoria Islands Planning Initiative

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