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ÿGeomatics for sustainable development of natural resources
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Geomatics for sustainable development of natural resources
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This information represents activities in the Earth Sciences Sector Programs (2002-2006). Please refer to Priorities for information on current Earth Sciences Sector Programs.

January 2006

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GSDNR Products Provide Problem-Solving capability to Hydroelectric Industry

GSDNR developed products are highlighted in the November 2005 issue of NRCan's newsletter: Natural Elements. In its discussion of the 11th Conference of the Parties (CoP 11) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Montreal from November 28 to December 9 2005, this issue features an article describing the benefits of the GSDNR created data sets to hydroelectric power projects. The title of the article on the GSDNR created products is: GSDNR datasets at work for environmentally-friendly hydroelectric projects.

The Journal of Physics in Canada dedicates issue to the science of planetary remote sensing.

The September / October issue of Physics in Canada discusses the science of planetary remote sensing. Remote sensing has proven useful in areas such as monitoring weather systems, managing natural resources and obtaining detailed road maps that affect our daily lives. Canada is a leader in remote sensing, and this issue describes several techniques and research in progress across Canada.

Among the articles presented in this issue of Physics in Canada is the work of Dr. Philippe M. Teillet, research scientist at the Canada Centre of Remote Sensing (CCRS) in the department of Natural Resources Canada.

Here is a short quote from Dr. Teillet's paper, titled: Satellite Image Radiometry: from Photons to Calibrated Earth Science Data:

"Today's remote sensing satellite systems yield digital images that provide unprecedented observations of the earth from space that are both synoptic and detailed in nature. There is tremendous interest in the use of these images to derive information about current states of geophysical and biophysical variables and to monitor their changes. This article outlines the key steps needed to ensure that terrestrial variables retrieved from optical satellite sensor systems are calibrated to a common physical scale. The emphasis is placed on the multiple methodologies used post-launch to convert digital image data to calibrated products for the user community. The article focuses on reflectance, land surface parameter of wide interest, as an example."

For any inquiries regarding obtaining this paper, please write to:

Archived News

2006-09-11Important notices