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ÿGeomatics for sustainable development of natural resources
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Geomatics for sustainable development of natural resources
About the program

This information represents activities in the Earth Sciences Sector Programs (2002-2006). Please refer to Priorities for information on current Earth Sciences Sector Programs.

Program Manager: Eric Loubier


NRCan is committed to the Government of Canada's priority of integrating sustainable development as a key consideration in federal programs towards "Building a 21st Century Economy". GSDNR has important responsibilities to provide reliable geospatial information in support of ESS's leadership role in sustainable development within NRCan. GSDNR has conducted stakeholder and client consultations as part of an on-going process to refine client and partner-driven needs for geospatial information related to sustainable development priorities and indicators.

GSDNR deals with questions such as:

  • What type of geospatial information is required to support the sustainable development of natural resources?
  • What are the scientific and technological gaps in the sustainable development of natural resources?

"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission), 1987


Program Delivery

GSDNR provides:

  • Basic geospatial information layers (geographic names, national thematic frameworks, elevation data, hydrography, transportation networks and satellite ortho-imagery) according to national data standards achieved through partnerships and a common technological environment with various data producers.
  • Continuous communication and outreach activities to improve awareness, use, and access to basic geospatial information in support of the sustainable development of natural resources.
  • Appropriate techniques and methodologies for improved characterization of the Canadian landmass and integration of basic geospatial information to support sustainable development.

Achieving Outcomes

To achieve its outcomes, GSDNR will initiate a series of planned and coordinated actions focusing on the provision of quality framework geospatial data as requested by clients and stakeholders in partnership with the other organizations involved in geospatial data production. It will also periodically consult users and stakeholders to ensure that the program's content remains aligned with their requirements.



Most geospatial data production projects of this program have significant provincial, territorial and/or other governmental department links. Partnerships with other ESS programs are essential to ensure a successful delivery of GSDNR.

In partnership with GeoConnections, GeoBase, and other organizations involved in geospatial data production, GSDNR will aim at improving the compatibility of available data and information. Activities will be implemented to increase the standardization and convergence of different sources of geospatial data to facilitate use, thus contributing to efficient and effective decision-making by communities, industry and policy organizations involved in the sustainable development of Canada's natural resources.

These coordinated actions will promote ESS leadership in and contribution to the creation and maintenance of a national framework of digital geospatial data acknowledged as being essential to support decisions regarding sustainable development.

2006-04-18Important notices