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.About the program
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.GSDNR Communicator
.Summer 2005
.Fall 2004
.Summer 2004
.Winter 2004
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ÿGeomatics for sustainable development of natural resources
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Geomatics for sustainable development of natural resources
The GSDNR Communicator: Fall 2004

This information represents activities in the Earth Sciences Sector Programs (2002-2006). Please refer to Priorities for information on current Earth Sciences Sector Programs.

GSDNR Activities at National Science and Technology Week

Many school groups enjoyed GSDNR-based activities at National Science and Technology Week, October 17 to 22. At the S&T week kick-off on Sunday at the Booth street complex in Ottawa, young people and the young at heart flocked to the remote sensing (GSDNR) booth that featured Landsat-7 images and puzzles, a swath browser showing recent Landsat image acquisitions, and the National Hydro Network's new poster. Throughout the week about 400 school children visited the complex for one-hour workshops related to remote sensing and its applications and featuring GSDNR products.

The GSDNR Communicator: Fall 2004

2006-09-01Important notices