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Biotechnology at the
Canadian Forest Service

Photo of white spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss

White spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss

The sustainable use of Canada's forests and the maintenance of Canada's share of the world market of wood and wood products greatly depend on our ability to improve the productivity of managed forests. With this in mind, the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) is generating knowledge and exploring biotechnology applications to improve forest regeneration and protection methods, while ensuring that environmental impact considerations are addressed.

The Canadian Environmental Protection Act defines biotechnology as "the application of science and engineering in the direct or indirect use of living organisms, or parts of organisms, in their natural or modified forms." In other words, it refers to the techniques through which organisms such as plants, fungi, or microorganisms can be used to provide products or services.

Biotechnology research is conducted at CFS laboratories in the Pacific, Northern, Great Lakes, Laurentian, and Atlantic centres and is integrated nationwide through research networks, mainly within the Enhanced Timber Production and Protection Network.

The main areas of applied biotechnology research at the CFS are:

Photo of white pine embryonal cells transformed with GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein)

White pine embryonal cells transformed with GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein)

As the largest Canadian organization involved in forest biotechnology, the CFS also plays a key role in defining strategic research orientations, advising on environmental regulations, developing skilled workers, increasing public awareness of forest biotechnology, and coordinating activities with industry, academia, and other governmental departments and agencies.

The CFS is collecting data to establish a baseline for the assessment, by regulatory agencies, of potential environmental impacts related to forest biotechnology products. It is a priority of the federal government to ensure the health and safety of Canadians and the environment, which it does through legislation and regulations.

Biotechnology at the CFS is also a component of the Canadian Biotechnology Strategy, a joint effort by federal government departments to ensure global competitiveness of Canada's industrial sector.

For more information

The biotechnology research supported by the CFS provides promising alternative tools that, in the context of sound forest management practices, will contribute to the ultimate goal of promoting the sustainable development of Canadian forests.

For more information, please contact the biotechnology coordinator at the following address:

Biotechnology Coordinator
Science and Programs Branch
Canadian Forest Service
580 Booth Street, 12th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4
Telephone: (613) 947-9024
Fax: (613) 947-9035


Last updated: 2005-04-29


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