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Aeronautical Charting Program
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.Canada Aeronautical Charts Supplement
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Aeronautical Publications
Canadian Forces Flight Information Publications
Previous (Canada Aeronautical Charts Supplement)Index (Canada Air Pilot) 

The information contained in the charts and the publications is current only to the date of submission for printing. A NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) may amend or cancel the information on the aeronautical products, therefore the NOTAM must be consulted to ensure that current information is used for flight operations.

Low and High Terminal Instrument Approach Procedures – GPH 200

Similar to the Canada Air Pilot, the 5-volume GPH 200 contains approach charts, communication agencies with primary frequencies, planimetric procedural diagram, procedural cross-section profile, minima block, landing chart, time and distance block, textual description of departing routes, operational data on aerodrome charts, selected aerodrome charts. Revised and reissued every 56 days.

Flight Planning and Procedures, Canada and North Atlantic – GPH 204A

The GPH 204A provides a ready reference to planning and procedural information concerning IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) operations. It contains aeronautical information and air traffic services, Canadian Domestic airspace and procedures, flight planning information, Airport operations and VFR (Visual Flight Rules) procedures, departure procedures, enroute procedures, arrival procedures, emergencies procedures, security control of air traffic, radio telephony procedures. Revised and reissued every 112 days.

Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel – GPH 204B

Developed by Transport Canada, in conjunction with the Department of National Defence and in consultation with the Canadian civil aviation community, the GPH 204B serves as a reference document for the entire Canadian aviation community. Revised and reissued annually, in december.

Canadian Forces Flight Supplement – GPH 205S

Similar to the Canada Flight Supplement, the GPH 205(S) provides tabulated and textual data on Canadian and North Atlantic aerodromes shown on Canadian VFR Charts, Enroute Charts and Instrument Procedure Charts that are military, 4000 feet or greater, hard surface and have an instrument approach procedure, north of the 60° Latitude having an instrument approach procedure regardless of surface or length. Revised and reissued every 56 days.

Canadian Forces Charts Catalogue – GPH 208

The GPH 208 provides a list of Canadian produced maps, aeronautical charts and Flight Information Publications such as, Pilotage Charts, Plotting Charts, Canadian Maps, Air Traffic Control Plotting Charts, Aeronautical Charts and Flight Information Publications.  Revised and reissued when required.

Manual of Criteria for the Development of Instrument Approach Procedures – GPH 209

The GPH 209 prescribes standardized methods for use in designing instrument flight procedures. It is to be used by personnel charged with the responsibility for the preparation, approval and promulgation of instrument procedures.

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Previous (Canada Aeronautical Charts Supplement)Index (Canada Air Pilot) 

2006-10-10Important notices