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Aeronautical Publications
Canada Flight Supplement
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The Canada Flight Supplement (CFS) is a joint civil/military publication. It is a bound book (5¼ x 8¼ inches) containing information on Canadian and North Atlantic aerodromes and is designed to be used in conjunction with aeronautical charts. The CFS provides information essential for the planning conduct of both IFR (instrument) and VFR (visual) flights.

The CFS is revised and reissued every 56 days. It is available in English and in the bilingual format. In the bilingual edition, only data for the province of Quebec and the National Capital Region is presented in French.

The information contained in the charts and publications are current only to the date of submission for printing. A NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) may amend or cancel the information on the aeronautical products, therefore the NOTAM must be consulted to ensure that current information is used for flight operations.

Table of Contents

  • General Section – With tables, legends and associated information pertinent to interpretation of the supplement

  • Aerodrome Directory – Data and sketches for Canadian aerodromes and heliports and selected aerodromes in the North Atlantic

  • Planning – Information for flight planning, characteristics of airspace, chart updating, flight restrictions, IFR routes, airway intersections and chart distributors

  • Radio Navigation and Communications – Data for radio navigation aids and communication facilities

  • Military – Flight procedures and data, including sections on procedures for flight in the USA, North Atlantic and Alaska, air/ground communications and military training routes/areas

  • Emergency – Emergency procedures

Sample CFS Cover [GIF, 20.1 kb, 200 X 245, notice]

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2006-10-10Important notices